Tuesday, November 29, 2005
boring day. he's going to hongkong for one week! haha one week only. but i'll miss him dearly. cant contact him at all for a week you know..very difficult.
okay..i didnt do much today. still exploring christianity.
"Very truely, I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgement, but has passed from death to life." --John 5:24
10:54 PM
Sunday, November 27, 2005
ahh so interesting. watched the real da vinci code documentary on channel news asia. the documentary aims to find out the exsistance of the Priory of Sion secret society, what on earth the holy grail is, if jesus is married to mary magdalene and such things. mainly to investigate claims made by dan brown in the Da Vinci Code novel. the documentary host brought is the investigator himself. he brought us to many places, to france, where the novel is based on, and to texas, different churches, and to the church itself that is mentioned in the da vinci code. at the end where the..erm that person(i forgot her name) is the possible bloodline of jesus and mary. the "rose-line" is also shown. it is written in the novel that the holy grail is hidden beneath the rose-line. (well if u didnt read the novel, u wldnt know what im talking abt. but u should read it if u havent. the plot is gd, though i wont say it's a fantastically awesome novel.)
the documentary, in the france part, featured a festival that kind of celebrates mary's arrival in france. mary is said to arrive in a boat, carrying the holy grail. now...isnt the holy grail a chalice where jesus drank frm in the last supper? now, it is believed that the holy grail, is not a cup. earlier in france, holy grail is written as San Greal. much earlier, it was Sang Real. meaning: holy blood. so the holy grail, is not a cup. but it's the holy blood, which is believed to be jesus and mary's offspring! yes! they have a child! that's why the da vinci code book is actually searching for the bloodline, the descendant, of jesus. and in that boat that mary was on, on her journey to france, was also a girl. named sarah. which means princess in hebrew. mmm. highly suspiscious.
anyway, the disappointing thing is...the conclusion of everything is that..the holy grail is crap. it doesnt exist, and jesus isnt married. dan brown merely used the idea to create interest.
anyway...check out the garden tomb! just type garden tomb in google search. damn interesting. it is highly highly believed to be jesus's tomb. there's another highly highly believed place of jesus's tomb. the church of the holy sepulcher. both places are in jerusalem. i mean, duh right.
"For everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away." --Matthew 25:29 not true what. that's what i think.
9:58 PM
Thursday, November 24, 2005
im in such a comatose state these few days. food makes me sick. i hate food. esp rice. the last thing i ate was rice with dishes before i got sick with food poisoning. ahhh..
will try very hard to read the bible. zac said he got me a new bible. yay. as least it would be bigger than the one im reading now--pocket size. gives me a real headache reading it. and it's not even mine. it's my bro's.
was reading the blog of a friend of mine. kind of fell out with him due to some circumstances. i dont even know why i fell out with him. maybe it's just weird cause i knew he had feelings for me(i dont know if he still has), and i used to have feelings for him. keyword:used to. then one day i told him that im attached. honestly i dont know how he felt. i mean, at that time, i heard that he liked someone too. confusing right? sigh. but then, i saw him recently. he wrote that in his blog too. he said he felt affected by the sight of me. i dont know what that means. maybe like a rush of emotions, or nolstalgia? i dont know.
but anyway, that's not the point that i wanted to put forward here. he's feeling abit down now. kind of like dont know what to do in life, no aims, no goals. he wrote in his blog that he felt out of the world, like he isnt needed. maybe he shld approach God. everyone as a purpose in life, as i've learnt. so no one is here for no reason, and thus, no one is redundant. yea. i pray that he'll be all right. he would be able to find comfort in God and may the Lord give him directions in life. many people feel lost at one point or other. yea.
8:56 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
ahh no bible today. got food poisoning. very sick. argh.
thanks honey for bringing me down to the doc. love u.
9:32 PM
Monday, November 21, 2005
woah i came upon this
website by someone who is totally confident that Jesus does not exist and it's time christianity "provide some real evidence, make up some new arguments or shut up about it. Until the first two possibilities can be put into motion, I vote for the third." i think this guy is just pissed off that christians are always bugging people to convert to their religion, which i find irritating too.first hand experience in a methodist sch. but i guess christians want the best for others, want their friends and loved ones to be "saved" as well. but think abt it from non christians' point of view: it's no big deal not being "saved" and sent to hades for sinning cause we dont even believe the hades exist. it's no big deal not having eternal life either cause we don't believe there's such a thing as eternal life and heaven. and everyone dies anyway. u probably wouldnt even know u're living life after death or u wouldnt even know u're in heaven. so..christians..do u understand what we think now?
well..im still reading the bible =) *flips my book*
"For God commanded saying, 'Honor your father and your mother' and 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.' " --Matthew 15:4 gasps! so serious? ahh Lord, Lord, please have mercy on me. =X but i think he meant "put to death" as not having eternal life but dying and that's it,right? cause im still alive though i think my mother is evil.
"Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." --Matthew 15:11"but those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart, proceed evil thoughts (blah blah blah).These are the things which defiles a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man." --Matthew 15:18-20ahh haa! blabber mouths! watch ur mouth cause what u say is what u are. Jesus was being challenged that his disciples is going against tradition cause they eat with unwashed hands. Thus Jesus is trying to make this point that eating with unwashed hands is minor and unimportant in reflecting oneself.
Lordy Lord..where are u?
5:02 PM
ive spent the whole afternoon researching on the existance of Jesus, weather he exists or not. i read this interesting article(gawd it's a freaking looooooong essay) abt research on evidence of the existance of Jesus. the author looked up on so many sources, namely the old testament, new testament, jewish sources, the gospels, several books which is also on the historical evidence of jesus, and many other sources which im too lazy to name, and apparently, there is very weak evidence that Jesus actually exist. read the essay/article for urself at
http://www.astheists.org/christianity/didjesusexist.html the author analysed each gospels carefully and spotted many blunders and discrepancies in the bible. the blunders are not acceptable as they're too farfetched. it is also not possible that the gospels are written through personal experience. anyway there's alot more to this essay. go read it. it's really interesting.
by now, u may think that im biased, against christianity or what cause it seems as if im trying to find evidence AGAINST Jesus or God. but no. i also read essays and articles written by people who believe that Jesus exists and why i should believe that he existed. but those reasons are weak and not supported by solid tangible reasoning and evidences. the reasons are mainly things like "it has to be true that jesus exist cause billions of people has worshipped him for 2 thousand years and it cannot be that this whole christianity thing is a big joke invented by a few people with avid imagination and thus write the gospels. thus it must be true that he existed." ahh what bs.
"And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish..." (Matthew 5:29)Who in their right mind would pluck out their eye and think that it was profitable?[hahaha so true. read this online. my exact sentiments too when i read this.]
"And it was the third hour, and they crucified him." (Mark 15:25)(John 19:12-18) clearly shows that he was not crucified until after the sixth hour.all these are taken from
http://www.atheists.org/christianity/myth.htmlThe Bible story of Jesus is a contradictory and confusing account. The Bible shows that this Jesus fellow spoke and taught many absurd and foolish things, and often believed he was having a conversation with devils. If one will read the entire Bible, one will find tales of ignorance, murder, sexual perversions, mass insanity, idiotic laws, and even cannibalism and human sacrifice. It staggers the imagination how anyone in his right mind could read the Bible and believe that it was written by a wise, just, and loving god. Christians have found biblical scriptures telling them to burn people at the stake, to justify slavery, to oppress and persecute others, and to kill and commit war in the name of their god.got this from the above website. it's true isnt it?the website also made a fantastic and perfectly logical conclusion. Jesus is a myth. Just like many Gods of all religions are myths but billions of people choose to beliefe in these mythical characters. look like all the hindu gods and greek gods. arent they all myths? and the best thing is that it is accepted that these Gods are mythical. maybe it's just hard to believe that Jesus is mythical. i dont know what to believe though. im sitting on the fence. but one day if i hear Jesus knocking on the door of my heart, i'll open it. one day if i really experience him, i'll believe in him.
but. i will continue to read the bible. it has wisdom in it anyway. doesnt matter if Jesus exist or not.
Dear Lord, i pray that u'll reveal urself or ur Son to me. Please? Amen.
2:21 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
ooo i went shopping today. stopped at topshop. cant find anything in the "acceptable" range of clothes according to my mum. so i got underwear instead. got this boy-cut undies and girl boxers. yes. girl boxers! they're damn cute. at the rubber part of the boxers, the words "girl boxers" are printed along it. so damn cute! then i bought smth else too. for him. =)
then i bought a pair of dark green cargo pants frm samuel&kevin. cargo pants are so versatile. just like jeans, but more style if u know how to match it. cargo pants and go with cute girl pumps, ballet type pumps, or pointed toed pumps. and u can wear a tshirt with it, or a sexy lacy top. anything! cool right? can wear sneakers with it too. can look glam as well as sporty. and i nv had a pair of cargo pants. just many pairs of jeans. so this is a good buy. =))
bible time. argh the bible is starting to make little sense to me. help.. (this is a feeble weak call for help with no exclamation mark cause im tired..)
9:10 PM
Friday, November 18, 2005
omg i ran 3km today! im proud of myself. i've been telling everyone that. 3km is the longest distance i ever ran in my whole life. i usually aim to run only 2.4km as fast as i can. im happy. =) anyway i got heavy and fat. that motivated me to run. and i dont have PE lessons during the holidays so to keep fit, i have to run. dont want to return to sch unfit, cause PE lessons when sch starts is military style physical training and its gona be really really tough if u're unfit. cause the sch is physical fitness crazy. must keep up with the physical fitness sustained achievement award, thus torturing everyone, for name's sake! shame.
bible time =) im still at Matthew. haha very slow right. think i'll just highlight a few verses, not as many as ystd. i've written them down anyway.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of of My Father in heaven." --Matthew 7:21this verse says that only people who have pure faith in the Lord will have eternal life and will join God in the kingdom of heaven. this is to warn many christians out there, who are christians, by choice, but who do not do what the Lord wants us to, not follwing the teachings of Jesus, or have distant themselves frm Christ, who are not purely faithful and have doubts, who are christians, but still do lawlessness.
"But go and learn what this means: 'i desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For i did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners, to repentance." --Matthew 9:13God knows that human sin. so he sent Jesus to save us from punishment of our sins. he did not send Jesus to come gather the righteous goody two shoes people and despise the sinners.
im a newbie at the bible. any christians who think there's smth wrong with my analysis or has something to share, tag me! thanks a million.
8:40 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
today my blog will be something from the bible. i think i will try to include verses into my blog daily, if i can. ive just started reading the bible, and i find the lessons taught in it rather meaningful, applicable to daily lives, even to non-christians.
"But i tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take away ur tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two." --Matthew 5:39-41this is so interesting. i can stand up to my evil mother. i will be strong and stand against adversity.these 3 verses taught me not to buckle under pressure, but stand up, and go the extra mile to show that you're worthy of urself.
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your tresspasses." --Matthew 6:14,15Be forgiving. for ur mercy will be returned, ur kindness be repaid. however, do not forgive people for the sake of showing other people that u have a kind soul.these following verses support my point.
"Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound the trumpet before you as hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly I say to you, they have their reward. But when u do a charitable deed, do not let ur left hand know what your right hand is doing, That your charitable deed may be in secret,and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly." --Matthew 6:2-4"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." --Matthew 7:7,8this is definitely true. if u want something, u have to ask, seek and find. or there will be nothing. nothing comes true just by wishing for it. you need to get up to do something about it. make an effort, and that effort will not be wasted.
that's all for today.
9:59 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

isnt this cool? mount rushmore. the 4 american presidents. right? ive read on this website that this sculpture is created by God. what bs. my research tells me that this guy(i forgot his name) scuplted it in 1927 and is completed 14yrs later and it cost him a million bucks. woo. this guy has money and perseverance.14 years! holy.
hmm i want to understand him more. he's a christian. i am thinking of getting myself a bible.maybe if i understand his religion, i will understand him more too. and i think it's more preferred for a christian's spouse to be christian too right? mmm. im doing this for u baby. love u.
7:32 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
hmm read online about some interesting facts.
--if u want to choose the sex of the baby, the temperature is important. having sex in a cold climate gives u a baby girl while having sex in hot climates gives u a baby boy. reason? hot weather damages the female X chromosome.
--couples who make love at least 4 times a week looked at least 10yrs younger than couples who make love twice a week only. i think that includes getting the big O everytime.haha. and i bet it increases chances of pregnancy too. it's not like u want 10kids or smth right?
--men abusers of viagra may get up to 12hrs of painful erection. hurhur. imagine that sticking up for the whole day and it hurts. must be embarrassing too.
--An american report states that drinking a cup of tea daily makes it twice easier to conceive than women who never touched tea.(i love tea)
--too much coffee is bad for sex. caffine lower levels of testosterone and cortisol, 2 important hormones needed for arousal.
--why do women live longer than men? one of the reasons is that men's stronger feelings of lust and sexual activity sends them into early "retirement". (haha. euphemism for death?) men also uses up more energy seeking for sex. [now now..this is contradicting. sex is good, makes one healthy, makes one look younger, but makes one die early? gosh. what abt athletes? they use up more energy training what...]
--dairy products can reduce period cramps! (yogurt yogurt..here i come)
--oh no..potatoes are bad for u. foods high in starch like potatoes may increase risk of diabetes cause ur pancrease may get tired of responding to high starch levels. (u mean pancreas gets tired of producing amaylase? cause i thought its the liver that converts starch to glcogen.)
--while u're reading this, u're travelling through space at 1035miles per hour though u're sitting down.
--drinking 8glasses of iced water makes u lose weight faster cause ur body burns calories to bring the water up to body temperature so it can absorb the water. makes ur metabolism higher in other words.(no wonder zac is always that slim. drinks ice water all the time.)
--women can detect genetic compatibility by the sense of smell. if the scent of a man smells alluring, he's the man! no..it's nature's way of telling u that he's a safe contributor to ur offspring's genetic esemble.
That's it i guess. interesting...
6:52 PM
pardon the previous posts. they are of weird colours. cause i just changed my blogskin, thus, all those colours were from the previous blogs.
today..hmm. i was trying to learn to play the guitar. it's no easy feat! i cant position my fingers on the frets to play the cords. my fingers are like super stiff and weird. they look like a mangled piece or wire on the guitar. but i heard that it's normal. beginners all feel like that. overtime, their fingers will become more flexible and less tired. only learnt 3 chords today. but i forgot them all already. okay maybe i rmb the G and C chords. hmm.
zac's working again. hopefully he doesnt work late like yesterday. worrying. my poor boy. he's suppose to go ice skating with me 2mr! so he better not work late and be too tired 2mr. haha. now u know my motives. (honey, im kidding.)
i really like this blogskin. green rawks. together with black. simple yet it oozes coolness. yea cool? cool. =)
but i dont like the torn word that signs out my posts. but i cant find the part on the html code that changes it. and there's no time written. how to input that?
5:59 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
ahh sigh. zac worked something like 14hours today. oh my god. what boss is he working for? im going to kick some ass soon if i find out who. zac doesnt even study for 10hrs. how can he work 14hours? he'll fall sick. and then cant go ice skating with me. rawr.
11:54 PM
few things today. i cooked my breakfast! instant pasta and omelette with cheese and crabstick. cool? cause i was home alone with no breakfast so i whipped up a meal! so proud of myself. i cant remember the last time i cooked a meal.afternoon was spent doing(copying actually) 1100words vocab book. so boring! want to work and earn money so i can shop till i drop. or go out and have fun. have been wanting to go ice skating for quite some time already but all my friends are busy. i dont know what they're busy with though. probably busy flying from country to country. think im probably the only one in my class whose family is too broke to go flying here and there. that's the thing abt acjc. everyone or almost everyone is well off. my pw grp members disappeared immediately after the chinese paper and suddenly appeared days before the pw oral presentation. they went overseas. duh. but nevertheless, my grp did a good job and im proud of all my members. hmm but hope all these friends of mine brought me things back from whatever country/ies they went to. =D haha. so thick skin.i will be really lonely during december. one of my closest friend is going overseas for 20whole days! then zac will be away for abt 20days too. sigh. dont know what am i to do. these evil people. flying off and leaving me alone with my evil mother.
4:31 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2005
ayee today's such a boring day. Isn't everyday? Since it's the holidays now and i have nothing to do. Talked to a pretty good friend. He's going to take up bowling. Cool. though it's expensive. he said since he feels the need to be at least pro at something. so he decided to take up bowling. weird though, cause i know he's a prefessional photographer and has done a few freelance photog related jobs. anyway it makes sense. everyone needs to be at least good at something. which made me pause and think alot. this isnt the first time i knew that im kind of good at nothing. im not really exceptional in my studies either. oh man i suck. hate this. mom's fault. doesnt want to let me get exposed to anything else except books. ahh im going to take up something during this holidays. i want this holiday to be a meaningful one.anyway. weird that im going to start a blog again. cause im bored. i said that already. need to do something instead of rot on my bed reading novels after novels and get fat, something which im starting to get really good at. it's difficult to find a blogskin that can reflects me. i really want to do my own blogskin but it's something out of my knowledge and no. i dont feel like learning cause software stuff just so isnt in my forte.hmm zac has gone to bed. so baby. sleeps early. but he's my honey. he's going to work tomorrow. he has a busy and full holiday schedule. so unlike me. sigh.love u baby.
2:16 PM