Saturday, December 30, 2006

okay this is about 70% true. it's totally true that im completely calculating. but i dont think im charming, sweet or a completely nice person. im so calculating that i tend to be abit on the evil side. cuddling superpower? zac knows. haa. =)
1:54 AM
Friday, December 29, 2006
i went out with zac today again! =) went to suntec city sky garden n played the violin brought his violin.poor zac was abit sick thou.went out too much (not with me) while he was still recovering.serve u right!haha jk.
ooo i had damn nice was just at the suntec food court, no big deal, but the food i had was good. i had curry fried fish hor fun. the curry is so good. the fried fish was crispy on the outside and succulent inside and it goes sooo well with the curry.the curry didnt make it soggy or anything. after that i was so bloated. curry is always filling.
i miss u zac. thanks for coming out to see me today. i had a good time. love u.
10:27 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas everyone.
and happy 19 months to zac and i =)
spent christmas with zac today, since it marks our 19months together. we went to sentosa, thinking that most of the crowd will be in town. but we were wrong. we must have spent a total of 2 to 3 hours Q-ing up for buses to, from and within sentosa.
we sat at sakae sushi for 2hrs exchanging gifts while eating =) i got him a facial product set with a face towel. i sewed his name on the towel. it's difficult. first time sewing complicated things. luckily his name only has 3 letters. haha. bought him a cute tiny fountain pen too.
zac's ultra sweet. he bought me a HUGE christmas sock, knowing that i always wanted one. now i'll always have one. then..he passed me a box and after removing the complicated wrapper made of strips of crepe paper, carefully, there reveals a
Creative Zen micro. ah. my jaw dropped. really. didnt expect him to get me such an expensive gift. now i have my own mp3 player. dont have to borrow from my brother anymore. thanks soooooo much sweetie. i love u. merry christmas.
Labels: Christmas
10:03 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
yay i managed to resize the prom night photos. here they are =)

at the hotel room before leaving for prom at the ritz.

the guys

the girls

the effiel tower ice sculpture in accordance to the weird french theme. very nice. but serverely melted already.
12:16 AM

zac and i at the ritz ballroom

collapsed. back at the hotel room after the prom.

day after prom. sorry. i just woke up. tired.

more awake now =) loveeee you!

zac, what are u doing??
12:03 AM
Friday, December 15, 2006
yay i saw zac for the 1st time in 8 days! he went away to shanghai. missed him soooooo much. he bought me things. so nice =) i love u baby. okay we watched Eragon. the baby dragon that hatched from the egg is so super cute! big round blue eyes looking around innocently and it's tiny wings. omg so adorable. when it grew, it looked really majestic. during the battle scene, the dragon had battle gear! like helm and armour. freaking cute.
well after that we went to eat pastamania. yes im a pasta addict. love pasta. tried the spicy chicken sausage pasta. not as spicy as the spicy chicken pasta. but still as good.
thanks baby for seeing me 2day. thanks for ur company, the notes u wrote me i shanghai n the things u got me. thanks for lending me the dvd too. love u.
i finally got my prom photos from zac. ah due to some weird error problem, i cant upload them here. maybe the files are too big. at least 4MB each.
alright that's all today. muahs~
10:24 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
im so glad i did devotionals. found so many articles. here's another one about affairs.
Affairs fall into 2 major categories: affairs involving physical contact and affairs involving emotional intimacy. im only going to touch on the emotional intimacy part. okay. it says that emotional intimacy or betrayal includes intimate dinners alone, conversations or phone calls (or sms also) involving
personally(like pet names u thought were personal to yourself but found out that they arent?)
and emotionally sensitive comment under the GUISE of "friendship". ah so this is where i start to question: how are u going to judge whether the friendship reason is a guise or not. because, if u dont believe that ur spouse and the someone else are just friends, just like what ur spouse told u, ur spouse may accuse u of not believing in him/her or not trusting him/her. if u believe or trust that ur spouse is not cheating on u, what if he/she really is n they're just lying? what if ur spouse is playing with ur trust?
im so confused.
1:07 AM
i was doing devotional on a christian website and i came across this article about forgiveness:
"Unconditional forgiveness is canceling a debt to all those who intentionally offend us, whether or not they own up to what they have done. Offering forgiveness without repentance, however, does not follow the biblical model of forgiveness (Luke 17:3,4).An unrepentant person maintains a sense of control over his life through pride, which can lead to destruction, violence, and animosity (Proverbs 8:13; 16:18; 29:23). If as believers we don't require repentance on the part of the offender, we stand in the way of that person's coming to see his need for God and experiencing His forgiveness. To put it simply, forgiveness is a two-way process: repentance on the part of the offender and pardon on the part of the offended.When only one part of the forgiveness process takes place, the hurt felt by the offended one can lead to hatred, bitterness, and desire for revenge. Because we desperately want relief from the gnawing desire to get even, we can be tempted to let an issue go, or "forgive" without ever confronting the person or waiting for him to show remorse.In many cases, it is more loving to withhold forgiveness until a change of heart by the offender is demonstrated than it is to offer forgiveness without the offender's acknowledgement of deliberate wrongdoing."ZAC! see? i told u there's no point in forgiving when the person doesnt even show a single sense of remorse. it's MORE LOVING to only forgive when the person knows he/she is wrong. haa. see?? all along i've been doing the
right thing. i really do forgive when the person is seriously sorry. but when he/she is not, there's simply no point. and u always say im revengeful. im only like that if the person doesnt admit his/her wrongdoings.
12:11 AM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
here are some photos. i went shopping today with jade! bought leggings, a nice top n earrings. =) i ate at my fav place: pasta mania. tired the spicy chicken pasta. damn nice but it's a tad too spicy. will try again.

i was playing with the electric hair curler. messy curls cuz i dont know how to do it myself. i want my hair permed. my hair is always as straight uncooked spaghetti. but it's too expensive to perm and will damage my hair.

haha jade bought me this from aussie! it's a one piece! so cute. looks funny like that but it's really nice when worn. one can hardly tell it's a one piece clothing. nice for the beach. pardon the background. it's my bedsheets.

it came with this bag. really cute bag too.

hmm this is the top i bought today.very nice. clothing always looks nicer when worn. it doesnt look fab here.
10:18 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
yesterday was seniors' night aka prom night =) honestly the food wasnt's the hotel suite at The Oriental that we had that made it memorable.the hotel suite is really nice.actually we booked a simple room but the hotel upgraded our room to a suite.maybe due to vacancies. here are just photos of the suite. i dont have photos of the prom itself cause my cam died at the start of prom. so other photos are with other friends.

the living area with a balcony on the left.

wee! huge mirror and bathtub!

i think..that's a bidet at the left side.

the view from the room. awesome. especially at night.

the beds
zac and i reached the hotel at 4plus. then for the rest of the time till about 7, i bathed, did my makeup. didnt do much to my hair though. natural is nice enough. zac looks really dashing in his black suit, light blue shirt and red tie with teddy bears on it! just looking around, it seems like im the only girl who walked in holding a guy's arm. i thought dates should be common in prom. haha. we reached ritz carlton, where our prom is held, at 7plus. the first thing that struck me is the sea of black. most guys are in black suits and i think half the girls are in black gowns or little black dresses. my dress is royal purple velvet =) i only saw one other girl in purple. i saw a couple of people in corsets, tight pants and hats and black shoes. i mean the girls! so moulin rougue. looks really cool. those are the few people who actually dressed according to the theme which is some weird french theme that i dont understand.
then the dinner started. the portions were pathetic. left us all hungry at the end of the prom and we had to go 7-11 to buy cup noodles and sandwiches after that.
we all didnt go to the post prom party at DXO. luckily we didnt go thou. heard that it's really crammed. well the hotel room is so nice that i rather spend the night there than DXO. i get to share a bed with zac =)) he's lucky. he's the only guy who gets to sleep on the bed. other guys slept in the couches or sofas or even on the floor.
well in short, prom was memorable enough.
4:05 PM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
here are some photos of me n charmaine.she's my best buddy from pri to sec sch. =) we went out to look for prom stuff. well im not putting up pictures of us in the different dresses we tried.cuz they look dont
oh. while we were at isetan wisma, we saw this girl n her friends frantically grabbing gowns n dresses off the rack and piling them onto their arms that were already overflowing with gowns! selfish! when we couldnt find our sizes,we just easily concluded that the girl took it though i hate to admit that she's as slim as us. anyway, i decided not to get a dress from there cuz i saw many other girls looking specifically for gowns. meaning, high chance that people will turn up in the same dress. instead, i dug out a really nice dress at phuture london. not many ppl shop in there i think cuz it was almost empty when charmaine n i went in. no crazy girls snatching gowns off the racks. it was hard finding a dress for me though. most of the smallest sizes the shops carry are still too loose for me and require drastic alterations. singapore dont carry size zero. i wonder why. most girls are my size what. right? i had to alter the one i got too.

charmaine the camwhore. and myself.

do i look cold? see the background.

charmaine says, "no! no! dont come near me!" haha.she's suppose to look cold, not frightened.
9:38 PM