Saturday, January 27, 2007
i went to novena square today to check out the new extension called VeloCity with zac. looks like vivocity huh. there is a new california fitness outlet there and the staff brought us around to take a look as well as assess our body composition analysis. turned out that im underweight and i have almost 11kg more to gain before i reach the perfect weight for my height. that's soooooo much! and im pretty undernutritioned in terms of calcium, fats and proteins. my bone mass is very low. my fat mass just reached the normal level. i guess anything below that would be overly skinny. my leg muscle mass is alot more than upper body muscle mass also.haha. guess have i have to lift more weights and run abit less. oh. and eat alot more also. sigh. so much trouble. am i really that unhealthy? im not unfit. my level of fitness is 69 out of 100. it's almost at the good range. good is 70 to 79. i also scored a perfect 30points for napfa test. so i guess im just unhealthy. haha.
11:33 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007
You Are 40% Normal |
 While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Your Life is 50% Perfect |
 Your life is pretty normal - sometimes great, sometimes not so great. You have a lot of good stuff going on. Your life may be more perfect than you realize. |
if not for my severe lack of money and unbearable family members, my life wld be perfect.
You Have A Type A Personality |
You are hyper, energetic, and always on the mood You tend to succeed at everything you attempt And if you don't succeed at first, you quickly climb your way to the top!
You could be called a workaholic, but you also make time for fun As long as it's high energy and competitive, you're interested You have the perfect personality for business and atheltic success |
12:34 AM
Thursday, January 25, 2007
im so bored. i suddenly felt like knowing which greek goddess i most resemble. i also wanted to adopt a english name. most of the quizes say im Aphrodite, greek goddess of love. haha. maybe it's because im in love right now =) but Aphrodite is such a weird name to have. i like Athena, greek goddress of war, arts and wisdom. she sounds so powerful. the tests says im only partially Athena, but mostly Aphrodite. it's a temporary thing i think. from what i know of myself, im usually Athena. ask my sec sch friends. im not the girl who goes head over heels in love easily.
oh are other tests i took from blogthings. oh the goddess tests are frm iVillage, blogthings n some other websites i dont remember.
You Should Be With a Water Sign! |
 Your best match is a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces
Why? You crave intimacy and connection in your relationship And while most guys can't open up enough for you, a Water Sign can Not that you're whole relationship will be soul gazing A Water Sign matches your goofy sense of humor - and desire to help others. |
yayyy zac's a water sign =))) cancerrrrr.
Your PMS Disaster Level: Low |
 You have a little PMS every now and then, but it's not bad at all. No one probably notices except you. |
Are You a PMS Disaster?i guess they think it's low bc of my not very often cravings, never gotten bloated n they think forgetfullness is part of nv forgetful. but i get the weirdest n craziest mood swings.
1:09 AM
i went for a promoter job interview today. it was around raffles place. it was quite intimidating to me actually. im not familiar with that area, and then u see all the working executives with shirts, suits and ties walking around with their brief case, heels clicking, i feel totally self conscious. i was glancing around so much, trying to find directions to the building.
finally i found it. i waited 10mins for the previous interviewee to be done. then when it's my turn, they told me to fill up an application form, tell me stuff about promoting jobs in general, then finally at the end, told me that they have to KIV my application because their client cancelled the assignment. outside the inteview cubicle, i heard the receptionist said someone was here for the same interview. i was wondering, another poor girl. here to interview for the job but to find that it's cancelled. i thought that the company should call the people whom they called there for an interview to tell them first that the assignment is cancelled.
i was so pissed. travelled almost 1hr there for nothing. to cool down, i went orchard to shop. bought myself jeans for chinese new year and a pair of pointed toed black patent flats that i thought i could use for any future jobs. wanted the high heeled version then i thought why increase the discomfort for my feet. i was wearing heels today and my feet was hurting. no wonder i thought this way.
12:11 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
i've been watching Mars, a taiwanese drama. there's this crazy psycho killer who said this, "happiness is a scam and one's happiness is always at the expense of other ppl's." i thought abt this, and agree with him. when u're happy about something, there always is someone out there who wld be displeased. and if u're unhappy about something, there'll be someone who is happy because of ur unhappiness. just something simple like, say homework. u're happy with not doing them, but ur teacher wld be very displeased. so would ur parents be. one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. this cliche is about the same as what the psycho killer in the drama said. the psycho killer, name Tongdao, killed people for his own satisfaction. reason being that in everyday life, someone is always hurt because of someone's else satisfaction, however minor. he also reasoned that most people have hurt someone before in order to gain what we wished. thus killing people whom he hated goes down to this simple theory.
he said something else that i agree with, but no one could put to practise here on earth. he said that humans are animals and we do have animal instincts. animals usually prey on competitors, wiping them out. that's partially how natural selection n evolution occurs also, based on the survival of the fittest theory. hence, modern-day law abt universal love and peace is actually suppressing human's animal instincts and making humans be what they arent suppose to be. i thought that this is pretty true. however, humans are not animals w/o conscience. we are higher-order animals. we have morals. this is the part which i dont agree with. but again, this Tongdao really an animal, literally. no morals. just kill whoever displeases him and stands in his way. psycho!
3:39 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
im so happy today! went shopping with zac in orchard road. we started from shaw house to john little at somerset. it was raining like crap.
anyway he's shopping for office clothes cause he's going to work soon. i bought clothes too =) zac got himself 2 shirts, a pair of pants and 2pairs of boxers that i picked. hurhurz. he looked as if he's carrying my shopping bags cause u dont usually see guys carrying so many shopping bags unless for his girlfriend. well i bought myself 2 tops and a pair of ballet flats. happy with my purchase =)) i should find a job that involves shopping. my mum loves the shoes i got cause it's dirt cheap n comfortable. she's going to go down to urban warehouse, where i got my shoes, to get a similar pair. i told her there're other colours.
i just realised that i need office clothes too. oh no. i dont have money for that anymore. im going to try to find a school to relief teach at. =)
6:43 PM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I just came back from chalet with zac =) so tired now. Just not used to sleeping with aircon and in a foreign place. The chalet is at Costa Sands sentosa.We checked in pretty late, at 3.30pm. Then we just spent the rest of the day staying inside, eating, watching tv and doing things that couples usually do. Haha. Zac swam abit at the pool downstairs. The swimming pool is so deep. 2metres at the deepest end. Arent pools usually 1.8m only? And the pool is so small. Kidney shaped. so u can imagine the gradient of the bottom of the pool.
Second day, we inivited some friends over to the beach. Del, div, monique, jamie, nigel, lc, yiren. It was fun. Nigel brought a rugby ball, lc brought a volleyball and i brought a frisbee, so there were many games to play. But the girls just suntanned most of the times. The sun was so hot. Great for a day at the beach.
That night, zac and i had sakae sushi for dinner, then we watched the sunset. So nice. <3333
Love u baby. Thanks for the great times there.
6:01 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
ah my first violin lesson today. was quite okay. the teacher was abit fast though. maybe because zac's learning with me and he already knew all those basic stuff. he learnt before. arggh cheater. i didnt thought we'd learn the transition of strings that quickly. i thought we wld learn the notes string by string, then learn how to switch strings, one finger first, then 2 then 3 or 4. today we learnt how to play one string 1st, and learnt to change 3 fingers quickly to another string. it's hard cause the fingers have to be in exact positions n i only have a split second to arrange my fingers properly on the string. of course zac doesnt have a prob. he learnt the song before. haa. it's so hard. the song is twinkle twinkle little star n it's damn hard on the violin. so many different fingers n positions. and there're FOUR variations of that dumb song! they're all weird variations. not one of them is the NORMAL one. then i was asking the teacher abt the beat of another weird ass variation at the end of the lesson. then he was like telling me to master the first one first. sheesh! retarded freak. i'll show him i can play better than him one day! damn.
9:37 PM