Monday, May 28, 2007
went shopping today.again.didnt buy alot la. bought a skirt from m)phosis only. they're having a great sale.everything there is on at least 50% off. i bought a sweet yellow skirt. gotta need more bottoms.after buying so many tops recently. got my eyebrows trimmed at this place in taka. the makeup salon near zara/guess in taka. dont know what it's called. usually i trim at the neighbourhood salon. mostly they use the eyebrow shaper, this little blade to shave little stray hairs after plucking the more obvious one. but here, they pluck every single strand. my whole brow area was really red after that. the lady taught me how to use powder to fill in my brows also, how to draw correctly and not look like aunties. haha.well i got approached by scouts again, just a mere few seconds from alighting the bus at far east. seems to happen alot to me recently. scouting season or something. last time was avignon modelling agency, now it's this advertising company..maybe i shld give modelling a shot. earn extra money, get myself a laptop for uni, as well as earn pocket money. giving tuition doesnt bring in enough. of course, zac thinks its a scam. im very weary and cautious abt this also. newspapers already revealed that agencies shldnt charge you anything at all. they'll just take from ur pay from assignments. shldnt need to pay anything in advance. hmm.
11:25 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Happy 2YEARS anniversary!
aye but he's in army. we'll celebrate on another day, during his BMT break, with hotel stay, wine, candles and all the romantic stuff <33333
we'll last against all odds (and bitches). hahaha.
11:14 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
went out with zac again. haha not surprising cuz i always go out with him anyway. we watch Next. well i think it's a not bad movie, if they cut out the unexpected ending which is quite bad i thought, and if we paid more attention to it during the movie ;pi saw these GORGEOUS, absolutely f****** GORGEOUS violins online. if only i could lay my hands on them.....

haha look! absolut vodka. see the words on the violin?
i love this.
GLASS violin! so pretty! dont think it's those electric violins. you can play on this like a normal violin.
11:27 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
well i came across this article on the web. it's a local web by the way.this is too scary. this is my exact fear. im so freaking afraid that this will happen though i really wish it wont.for some reason, the words arent showing up on internet explorer. so u gotta highlight the space below to see what i typed. for firefox, no problem.
"Would You Dump an NS boy for a Uni Man
Of course!
Oh, sheathe those claws, boys. Don't be rude. You would do so if you were in the same position.
Think about it: New environment and you're all alone; you don't recognise a single face and you're worrying how and where to start; your partner can't understand what you're facing and it's hard to explain; and then, you make a new bunch of proximity friends, and it's so much easier to hang out with them.
Hmmm? That's not university? That's national service? Well, well, well, how alarmingly bright you are. And here I was, worrying myself to wrinkles that I might die in the couple of decades you'd take to get it.
So you see, right? Beginning University and starting National Service is almost the same experience. I say "almost" because I know that if I said "the same", all the NS recruits in the country would be swarming over me like a pack of hounds before the night is out. They'd bay for my blood, because I had dared equate the tortures of 24-klik marches under the blazing sun and grimy sweaty trench-digging with "going to school".
"Going to school"? Ha! Now it's the university students turn to snort. University's a far cry from primary school where wide-eyed kiddies sweetly share their last piece of keropok with you. Anything precious here is more likely to be tightly wedged between a butt and a chair than shared. It is here you feel the need to find friends fast more than ever. It's the pack instinct: safety in numbers; comfort and acceptance too.
So, when you're feeling more than a little vulnerable, you crave comfort, as girls do when they play Moses and bravely face the Red Sea. And we all know that Comfort's schizo, right, girls?
Sometimes she's Ben & Jerry's (gender-crisis), sometimes she's Cadbury & Hersheys, while other times she's Paul & Frank. That is, Paul, your 3-year NS boyfriend; and Frank, that guy from your university orientation group.
It's not that you don't love Paul. After all, he was the one that gave you your first kiss; he was the one sitting next to you, picking at the miniscule plate of Prom Night food you each paid a bomb of $90 for; he was the fool that queued an hour at MacDonald's to buy that Hello Kitty toy you wanted, throwing away the McMeal. (SIN! Mistreatment of food! WASTREL!)
But things have changed. It's not the same anymore, you sniffle delicately. He's changed. All he wants to do is talk about his water-parades, complain about his officer-in-charge, that time he scrubbed the loo with his platoon, and his buddy (now that really perturbs you).
Frank, on the other hand (literally), is ever so attentive, always there for you, and oh, oh, so understanding…..
Smell the coffee, girl! OF COURSE, he's understanding! That guy's in the same university as you! He breathes the same lecture hall air as you, eats the same canteen food as you, sleeps in the library and drools over the same course books as you! It isn't hard to be understanding when you're doing all the same things!
No, shut up Frank , I'm not blaming you. I just want Pollyanna here to see how obvious it is that you have the Unfair Advantage in this case. Yes, the UA.
The UA presents itself in every single situation that occurs. Born of the Unfair World, the UA clings on to one party that catches its fancy and allocates them that tad bit more weight to tip the scales in their favour. Intrinsically irrational, UAs choose not by logic, but by pure whim and coincidence.
Coincidence, that he's at the same stage of life with you, enabling him to be there physically when you need him, to be in the experience with you. If it was based on that alone, Paul would never have had a chance. Why would you choose a partner who can never be there over a partner who always is?
Because you know it's not Paul's fault. He didn't choose not be there. He didn't choose to be away in Brunei killing chickens and wearing 5 day old underwear when you wanted to talk to someone about your voodoo plans for your slacker project mate.
But you've reached a point when you don't particularly care, you just want someone to be there for you. You know you'll hurt Paul's feelings and that bites, but you can't help being selfish. You want to be selfish. You want what feels best for you.
Now we're left feeling awfully sorry for Poor Paul and snarling at Frank the Filch. However, if recall what I said earlier, the situation of entering NS and beginning University life being almost the same, what do you think would have happened if Paul started NS with a co-ed company and Pollyanna entered an all-girls University?
Sounds far-fetched? Well, just indulge me and stretch your imaginations thinner. Paul, is now the one with opportunities galore, and Pollyanna? Pollyanna's the nun.
So, tell me, who is more likely to break up with who?
In a Chanel lipstick case (because a nutshell is so passé), we are all Fortune's fools. She plays us in situations we have little control over. Live with it.
And all the Pauls out there? Life's not over. In 2 years time, you'll be at university, and then, during the orientation camp, you finally get the chance to introduce yourself as " Frank, the name's Frank.""
11:25 PM
Monday, May 14, 2007
today's my off day so i went shopping. bought 3 tops from zara. zara clothes are getting so cheap and affordable. it's becoming my favourite shop. i was at topshop too. the kate moss collection doesnt seem great. the clothes are all loose and baggy. and the topshop staff are ALL wearing the nicest piece i saw from that collection. then i decided against buying it. dont want to look like a topshop staff. i went to charles and keith too. i realised that all the staff there are guys. haha. surprising. they dont sell guy shoes. i saw this crazy lady trying on what must have been 10 pairs of shoes. she ended up buying 5 or 6 pairs. i didnt count. she's a tourist i think. she doesnt speak english or chinese. those shoes she tried dont look nice. all brownish and beige and black. no super high sexy heels or pretty ballet happy with my shopping =) yay!
6:08 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
went out with zac yesterday. we watched 28weeks later. it was okay. though it's rated m18, it's not very gory or anything. those people who were infected with the Rage virus, well, they were really in a rage. reminds me of my mum when she hits the roof and goes yelling n screaming bloody murder. LOL. not bad movie though. i have a weakness for zombie/monster/vampire movies =) those people with the rage virus goes around killing people, as if they were really angry at humankind. but i wonder why they dont attack each other. for the uninfected, they should just roar and go into a frenzy and act like one of them. so they wont be killed. haha wonder if this works. well well.just a notice. im sorry if my blog posts offended anyone. i feel sorry for anyone who is offended by the things i say. i mean, i know it sucks to find out what people really think of u, behind ur back. that's y i feel sorry for u. but im not sorry that i posted those things. it's my blog afterall. these sort of things happen to myself too. i once found out things tt ppl blog abt me behind my back. but i dont have the right to be upset at them cuz it's their blog and they should be free to blog what they want. i just take all the criticism in my stride and continue holding my head high, unaffected by their opinions. it's what they think anyway. no point confronting them and embarrassing myself. right? =) anyway, whatever i blog, i have no intention of bringing someone down. if it's my true opinion, or someone's opinion and im merely quoting, then im putting it up, just as part of recording my day down. like a regular blog. if i say that someone is a bitch cause she does this this this n this, then maybe it's just that action of hers that i dont like, but it doesnt entirely mean that she sucks, period. everyone can be a bitch. isnt that true? everyone has their bitchy moments, and i dont deny my own ;p okay, Godbless. don't be angry and dont frown. gives you wrinkles. my mum has a PERMANENT frown. it looks so ugly. her mouth is PERMANENTLY downturned. cause she's angry all the damn time, since she was born(i think)! remember the verse u see when my blog loads. do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is ur strength. peace!
i bought the Gwen Stefani album! yay! finally. i bought the cheapo singapore version. it's $12. they removed fancy CD sleeves, lyrics and i dont know what else to make it cheaper. cause those producers know that singaporeans are cheapo and wont spent $20 on an album. haha. yay =)
6:44 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
1 Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; 2 hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught 3 at the voice of the enemy, at the stares of the wicked; for they bring down suffering upon me and revile me in their anger. 4 My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death assail me. 5 Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me. 6 I said, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest- 7 I would flee far away and stay in the desert; Selah 8 I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm."psalm55
im referring to my mum. she really can drive me to the brink of sanity.
12:44 AM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
How is it possible for anyone to respect someone who is flirtatious, relationship wrecker, nosy parker, ignorant and screwed up?
or rather, how is it possible for someone like this to deserve any respect?
u're just respecting her for the, maybe sweet, memories she once gave u isnt it? she's one hell of a b/witch now. u know she flirts and is really screwed up as a person like u said. so tell me why? i guess u're the sort of person who respects anyone and everyone who is or was part ur life, no matter how much that person has changed for the worse. this means, my dear, that u're respecting her for her past. cuz i dont think anyone can respect such a repulsive person. unless u still think that she really is a nice person. i think u're blinded by ur past with her. that's y u failed to see how bad she really is now. denial.
*heart bleeds*
4:42 PM
Saturday, May 05, 2007
i've been offered places in ntu, nus and smu. the letters came all at one shot. im pretty smug about it cause my mum was sure that, with my not-very-good results, the universities will take ultra long to process my application, and i'll end up with a rejection letter or two. im even more smug abt the fact that the letters of offer came early. my result really wasnt that bad what. anyway it shows her confidence in me.nus is soooo old fashioned! you have to fill in alot alot of forms and even stick a passport size photo on the form and send it back to them via snail mail to accept their offer. for ntu and smu, you just have to go online to do it. smu is the best. a one page letter with the usual obligatory congratulations and one line at the bottom that says that i have to go to this website to accept the offer and nth else. at least ntu put more instructions than that.anyway..i didnt get my 1st choice, pharmacy, in nus. pretty much expected that but i still felt the tug of disappointment. oh well. it's ntu for me then. many of my sec sch friends are going there =) cya there! charmaine! chinghong! izyanti! nadya! who else who else?? =)))))))
i miss zac =(
8:31 PM