Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Happy 26 months to my baby! Zac and I sat at Vil'lage at heeren last saturday, at the exact same spot we sat at on 5/05/05. that was our first date! though it was called marche then, the things there, sitting arrangement and all that are still unchanged. we reminisce about that day, how zac took me for dinner with flowers and all. but it was so awkward! I still remembered looking at my food the whole time, and at the mirror that was beside our table. zac told me that if not for the horrible, ambience-spoiling mexican music that they were playing then, he wld have asked me to be his gf on 5/05/05.LOL. cute excuse.
school starting soon! Im so afraid that i wont be able to handle school work, giving tuition, cca and violin lessons. I probably cant cope. Im already planning to drop something, maybe not take up a cca, or maybe stop violin lessons. but giving tuition has to go on. it's my only source of pocket money =( uni students have the toughest life. most tutors are uni undergrads in need of money. poor us..
12:34 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
this sec 3 boy came into the tuition centre where i work, today. he's a regular student there. but today, he came for counselling. few months ago, he started coming for tuition with a girl in tow. she must be his girlfriend cause i've heard him say that he's bringing his gf one day for tuition too.they're schoolmates. he's having one on one tuiton before his gf joined.
anyway, they broke up shortly after the gf first went for tuition with him. i knew all these by eavesdropping on conversations. haha. too bored there. so, the boy cldnt get himself back after the breakup. he stopped coming for tuition. then today he came for counselling, by his tutor's request, who is also my boss's wife, mrs tan. after that mrs tan told us that the poor boy is really lost. he has no direction now. it was as if the girl was his blood and soul. he said himself that he felt that he lost some kind of purpose in his life. his gf was the centre of his life. then when she is gone, 99percent of him is gone with her. that's so sad. worse that his gf is in the same sch. everytime they see each other at sch,he suddenly felt the whole world disappear n he cant do anything for the rest of the day but wallow in his own, i dont know, self-pity maybe.
so i was discussing with my colleague that teens nowadays jump into too serious relationships too early. and when they break up, they do not have the maturity and sense to move on, but remain stuck there for months. both of us noticed that there is a rise in PRIMARY SCHOOL couples we see outside. that's outrageous. firstly, primary school kids dont really know what love really is. they may come into some kind of misconception about love.then who knows, lose their virginity at 13 or 14 years old when they just start sec sch, and then realised when they're much older, that they've made a mistake. they may think it's love then, but really, it's stupidity. and they are not mature enough to know their priority, which is studies, so when they break up, they give up their studies too, though unknowingly. like this sec3 boy! poor thing. i think he's got depression. heard that he went for many counselling already. even his curch pastor counselled him. all futile attempts. sigh. youngsters! save urself til when u're older. then u really know what love is, and it will be a totally different experience from puppy love.
10:35 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
getting bored again..
You Are 50% Bitchy |
 Generally, you're an average woman, with average moods. But sometimes... well, watch out! Sometimes, you let your mean side get the better of you. And you enjoy every minute of it. |
LOL better than i expected.
You Are More Cutthroat Than You Think |
 Yes, you do have that killer instinct lurking in you. And while you may not be actually cutting throats anytime soon... You certainly don't mind clawing your way to the top. |
watch out! those people i hate.
12:53 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007
I haven't been blogging. Life has been so, I don't know. It's boring. Cause that's the nature of my job. Then i just found myself a student to give tuition to. My mum nagged so damn much because she said I won't be able to handle giving tuition and university. But there's nothing I can do. I dont get pocket money, so I have to work for it.I did not get a place in my SBS FOC. Kind of disappointed, but abit relieved cause zac wasnt really pleased that I wanted to go. These FOCs have all those inappropriate games, with sexual innuendoes and what not, especially couples' night and blind dates. Many of my friends' bfs aren't pleased too. Haha. Anyway, without going for the FOC, I sure hope that i won't be some kind of lost sheep in school, cause i dont know anyone, except Cariann, in my course! =( I hated being lonely. When I came to ACJC, before we were assigned OGs, I was sitting all alone in the hall, listening to the talks. Cause all my friends went to other JCs. I wasn't close to the schoolmates who came to ACJC. In fact, I've nv talked to those ppl. Only saw them around school. I really hope this wouldn't happen in uni =(
11:21 PM