Monday, April 28, 2008
mugging for my second last tired. after weeks of mugging only. after exams, i want to do so many things! rock climbing, run, gym, table tennis, beach, shopping, facial etc....haha. of course i also need to work.3 years anniversary celebration coming along! tentatively at Amara resort in sentosa. cannot wait!!!
11:56 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
yesterday's paper sucks. i got so many wrong answers while most people got them right. makes me feel stupid. but then again, those people who claim to not study and even watching TV the whole day before the paper, im starting to think whether they're exaggerating. zac was saying that my course mates are all closet muggers. they may seem hip, club all day, watch movies, watch tv, go out the whole time, but seriously if anyone does that, they wont do well. no one is born with biology facts all in their minds already. and then i felt that he does have a point. then again what's the point of exaggerating that you didnt study? so that when results come out, people will see you as smart if you did well, but if you did badly, no one will fault you because you "didnt" study?yesterday was a bad day la. while eating fried beehoon with disposable chopsticks in the morning, i ended up with super painful splinter in my right thumb, which affected my writing during the exam. it was horribly painful when i try to take it out. at first there was a long piece in my thumb, which i pulled out quickly. unfortunately small pieces stayed embedded in my skin. so i just put a plaster over it as any contact of the splinter with other things will hurt alot. then today it hurt alot less. so i took a tweezer which i specially bought for this, and pulled it out. OUCH!!! when i pulled it out, there was still another piece! it was deeper in my thumb, but when i pulled the outer one out, that inner one got pulled out slightly. so i had to tweeze that out too. DOUBLE OUCH! no wonder that splinter hurt so bad. it's a double whammy. deep. could see blood clot beneath my skin.
12:04 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
my gums are swollen! i think it's my wisdom tooth emerging. but the problem is, my second molar, the tooth next to the wisdom tooth, is impacted. meaning stuck in my gums. i can see only half of it, and the other half is buried under my gum. i have a super small jaw. cant even contain my molars. but this never gave me a problem. i guess until now, that my wisdom tooth is trying to come out.i checked online that most people get their wisdom tooth out because it gets impacted. my molars are also impacted! so if i go to the dentist, i think he'll probably suggest i remove both the molar and wisdom tooth. i have this problem on both sides. hell of a pain if i get so many teeth removed!!!! damn. and also, it costs a few hundred dollars to get one lower wisdom tooth removed. the lower molar is so ex because it's close to some nerves hence it's harder to remove.having exams till next week. no time for dentist and what not. i'll see how it goes =(((( and today's paper sucks sucks sucks.
7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
well today's paper was quite alright to me BECAUSE i thought that i wouldn't be able to do half of it. but i only left 4 marks out undone, although i crapped my way through all the essay questions. so it should still be considered as okay.
anyway while they were collecting papers after the exam, i noticed that one of my professors is wearing this:

if you dont know what this is, this is one of the most classic and best selling salvatore ferragamo shoes, the Vara Pumps. At first i only saw the shoe and i thought it reminded me of the Vara. then i looked closer, and i saw some inscription on the metal thing on the bow, that looks like the Ferragamo signature as shown below.

wow. i was ogling her shoes the whole time the invigilators were collecting papers. i want to be rich enough to get such shoes too. i love the ballerina flats version of Vara, the Varina.
10:14 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
been awhile since i blogged. exams! starts tomorrow. uh oh. wish me luck.
hate exams. no time to exercise. or rather i do not wish to exericse during exams time because it leaves me too tired to study after that.
11:57 AM
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
i eat mcdonalds an average of 2 to 3 times a week. horrific right?! yea i was feeling really guilty and sinful about eating mac today when i already did yesterday. so i decided to go for a run. not like i need to shed any weight, but just feeling damn unhealthy with all those fats and cholesterol in my bloodstream. meanwhile, i can test out my new asics Excalibur race trainers. it's a good pair of shoes. before i stepped out of my home, the friction of the rubber soles is so good that the shoes squeaked loudly against the floor.what a nice feeling after using my old running shoes for many years. as you can see from the photos a few posts ago, the padding of the shoes is quite minimal. this is what makes it so light, and makes it a race trainer. however, when running, you cant really tell that there is so little padding. it's as comfortable as my well cushioned nike and adidas. good shoes! i like. =)back to mugging. first paper in a week. shiat.
9:25 PM
Monday, April 07, 2008
was just feeling bored while studying. so i played a game of Hearts. and i changed the names of one of the players to Talia--one of my profs whom i dislike. haha. =) enjoy! those who dont like her either. in case those who doesnt know how to play hearts, it's the lowest score that wins.
10:06 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Asics sports fair at suntec city today. woke up at 8plus. to go there! i heard it's a good sale. but i reached there at 10plus and somehow, i wonder how, the sports fair was held in this super tiny room that's supposedly suntec ballroom. it's tiny. i swear my living room is larger than that room. anyway, although the fair starts at 10am, it was super super crowded by the time i got there. the crowd is suffocating in that little room. anyway the sale was good for men's shoes. ladies shoes, the only shoes you can find at $60 or below are walking shoes or junior shoes, whereas men's shoes, at $30, you can get a decent pair of race trainers. all ladies running shoes are at $90 and $120. so i wandered around to the men's section. zac helped me find a few pairs of unisex race trainers. they're all very nice! i bought a pair at $60. happy! =)
9:19 PM
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
was too lazy at tutorial today to copy down answers from the screen so i took photos of the screen. can print out or something. the tutor was going through very quickly also.
anyway..some horse blood for you? horse blood from cell bio lab. it's mixed with other substances in those tubes. the horse blood that we got before mixing was uber sticky and disgusting.

go to seems like almost ALL female celebrities got a boob job. doesn't their husband mind touching a fake pair of boobs? so odd.
10:46 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
POISONOUS ASPARTAME!warning! you probably heard about this chemical before. it's a very popular artificial sweetener. it's Aspartame. apparently it's super poisonous. yet it's found in almost everything that tastes sweet. candies, mints, soft drinks especially. check your labels to make sure that you're not eating aspartame, especially if you eat or drink alot of sweet stuffs. aspartame causes seizures, brain tumors, memory loss, lymphoma, multicle sclerosis, basically things related to our nervous system. worse thing is, you know you see those breath mints saying that it's safe for diabetics to consume, it's false. it will actually worsen the symptoms and screw up your blood sugar level. so, bottomline is, check your labels for this. anyway MSG is harmful also cause it contains glutamic acid. aspartame contains a large amount of glutamic acid, which is a huge contributing factor to those illnesses caused by aspartame. be careful!
10:30 PM