Wednesday, May 28, 2008
You Are a Lace Bra!

Dreamy, romantic, and ultra-feminine
You're a womanly woman who makes guys feel like men
Your perfect guy is strong, determined, and handsome
With a softer side that only you can draw out
hmm just the kind that i like most...
You Are Figure Skating

Graceful and expressive - yet athletic and focused.
You could bring the best of both worlds to this glamorous sport.
i always wanted to do this, but it's too expensive to take lessons on.
Your Waist to Hip Ratio is 0.7

You are very curvy, with a defined waist. hmm i know.
11:52 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
went to paya lebar airbase for runway cycling/roller blading today. it's seriously not fun and no kidding roller blading 6km in that disgusting heat. kept drinking alot of water and i didn't expect it to be so hot, so i didn't apply sunblock. pretty sunburnt now. and the terrain sucks. zac told me it's nice and smooth there. apparently the runway is SERIOUSLY rough and rocky. throughout the skating, it feels like my both feet kept vibrating like crazy. feels like pins and needles. NOT FUN at all. and this is only my second time roller blading. fell 3 times on that horrible terrain. super ouch. got uphill parts that stretches for what seems like 1km each time. i keep falling on these uphill sections. NOT FUN NOT FUN!! the first time i roller bladed, i only fell once. it was at east coast and it terrain is quite gentle. this time i borrowed zac's sis's skates. they're really lousy 20bucks skates. less sturdy than those i used at east coast. i still prefer ice skating. i dont mind falling on ice as much cuz it doesn't hurt and my jeans is enough to protect me. the ice is nice and cold also.after that zac drove to suntec. ate lunch at suntec. there was a one-for-one offer for this crispy thin pizza. so zac and i shared both pizzas.
7:52 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
some things are harder to let go than expected. when i thought that i've gotten over it, seeing a reminder of it is like getting hit by a train. i think i need some kind of therapy. i can never let go, forgive, or forget past hurts, no matter how long ago they happened.
8:20 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
I went for a much needed hair trim today. last i cut my hair was last december! haha. way to long ago. Anyway, i said i wanted to trim an inch off, but the hair stylist took 2 inches off. now it looks alot shorter. Maybe i just had too much damaged ends to cut off. Ah i think i just experienced the worst service i ever got in McDonalds today. i ordered take away for my grilled chicken foldover with hot fudge sundae. as usual, the drinks usually came first. so i took a straw and started drinking it while waiting for the foldover. finally the foldover came. then my sundae. guess what? they left my sundae and drink unpacked. then i stared at the server. she stared back. then i pointed at my drink. then she got me a carrier. but there's still my sundae. so i stared at her again but she looked super puzzled. fine, i'll pack the sundae into the carrier containing my drink, ON MY OWN. arent the servers suppose to do that? pack our takeaway? then i went home, i found that that woman had put the foldover into the bigger mcdonalds plastic bag, and the fries was in a seperate plastic bag, INSIDE the bigger bag. i've never experienced this before. what a waste of plastic bags. i ordered the foldover for takeaway many times already. usually they use a smaller plastic bag, arranged such that the flat foldover is standing, together with the fries. they fit nicely into the smaller bag. waste waste!!
8:46 PM
i ran today. yea despite the weighing scale in Amara Resort saying that im below 43kg. i haven't been that light since jc1 when i got bad food poisoning. i think i ran about 6km again. wanted to run more but it started drizzling. found this park connector thing to run on. nice to run there although it's right beside an expressway. but on my other side is all trees. so i guess the air is fresher there than around the congested neighbourhood. more oxygen coursing through my veins equals more stamina for me. exercising just makes me feel less guilty for eating like a glutton. and i've got this fear (im not sure if it's rational) of all the fats from the junk i eat being made into lots and lots of cholesterol and clogging up my arteries. humans evolve too slowly. blame it on technology! humans should stop having the ability to make cholesterol from lipids because most of our diets now consist of more than enough cholesterol that the stupid lipid bilayer cell membranes can ever use. furthermore, humans should stop having to develop wisdom tooth. it's more than useless. it causes lots of troubles and we have to spend alot of money getting rid of it. so does this little useless crap called the appendix. okay i digress...anyway, i run to keep healthy =)
12:10 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Went shopping with my mum again. second time in one week. miraculous!! i never go out with my mum. like NEVER! then again now she's asking me to go out with her just to be her guide around la. she's blur like sotong and super not street smart. this time, we went IMM. nothing much. been there many times. my mum bought stuff from daiso only. wanted to buy some things also but they would be labelled as 'contraband' so i cant buy it in front of my mum. i'll come back another time to get them. haha.
while i was there, some guy quickly passed me a slip of paper and disappeared. when i looked at the paper, it was a name and number. probably his. i think he knew i was with my mum so he didnt dare talk to me, in case he got bashed up by my mum, which is very likely (those who dont know, my mum is super violent). anyway i didnt know people still picked up people like that. it was kind of the 'in' thing last time. i get picked up alot in secondary school and so everyone else. last time it happened was years back in JC. im so old =(
runway roller blading this sunday. yay. but signed up for 6km only. chicken feet (i think, since i can run that distance). the next longer distance is 15km. thought that was abit too long. so signed up for the 6km one with zac.
9:06 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Just came back from a one night stay at Amara Sanctuary Resort at sentosa. Zac and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary there. =) Overall, it's a nice place. but the pool is a tad too small, and the lift is badly designed and situated. The lift faces the blazing afternoon sun, and it's made of glass, hence, greenhouse effect! The whole lift is super hot. The mirrored parts, BLACK railing inside. Everything burns to the touch. Even until at night.
I guess some guests like it, but i find the too-often housekeeping abit too much. at our one night stay there, we encountered housekeeping 3 times. Zac and I didnt know that they do alot of housekeeping. Until we went to the beach and back, and find our bathrobes and towels folded, dry sink and floor. After we changed, we went out for dinner. When we came back, we encountered the same thing. It's abit creepy to me to know that there're people coming into our room so often when we're not in. No wonder i see alot of rooms with the do-not-disturb light on.
However, the place is still nice. Nice ambience around and the room is spacious. They upgraded us to a premier room when we initially booked a deluxe room.

the room: they ran out of rooms with king -sized beds =(


Nice smelling toiletries.

Fancy jap restaurant. We didnt eat here though. This is their small, exclusive jap restaurant. Must cost alot to eat here.
11:22 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
zac drove me around today. suppose to go sentosa but it was raining. so ended up driving around. near the east. i live in the west. so the east is mostly foreign to me. saw this area from the expressway where there's this whole stretch of red roofs: private houses! there're just so many of it in one area. from the expressway looking down, it seriously looks like some other country. western countries have houses mostly.then somewhere near katong (i think), i came across this gothic looking structure:
it's awesome! i love such old goth buildings that look like they came straight out from vampire movies. i was staring at it with such jaw-dropping awe as the car passed by. it's on Still Road South. i looked up online. this is actually some hotel used in the mid 1900s. but built around 1900. some rich guy built it(duh). actually, this is only half of the hotel. Still Road is said to cut the hotel into half during construction. so this is the remnants of one part of the hotel. but such grandeur...... wow. anyway i got all these photos online. the car was moving too fast for me to get a camera out and take a photo of it.
6:42 PM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
ah i know i need to work..but i cant bear to get my butt off my chair or bed and go to work. i still want more time to relax. if i go to work, how am i to exercise on weekdays? by the time i reach home, it will be 7plus and getting too dark to jog. and i'll be hungry.finally got to exercise. ran about 6km today. so super tiring. couldn't feel my feet after that. all exams' fault. didnt exercise for weeks. last sunday i ran even less.yay anniversary coming. we're celebrating a week earlier. but it's still going to be fabulous!
9:19 PM
Thursday, May 01, 2008
exams finally ended. so drained. i dont feel very happy though. worried about my results. probably do badly. everyone is really hardworking, or they're smart. im neither.
got some photos from zac's camera. these photos are from my birthday celebration. rock climbing! i know! that's so long ago. haha. oh well..

just before reaching the place.

zac doing his thing.

me doing my thing. ya i have to wear my ugly spectacles or i wouldn't be able to see the grip holds and stuff ahead of me.

after that: jacks place. zac's seafood in a basket.

my creamy chicken spag.
11:50 PM