Wednesday, July 30, 2008
i'll be home alone with my mum until bro and my dad went m'sia. my other bro has been in aussie for months. so quiet now. hope my mum doesn't decide to turn crazy and kill me or something. =S
school going to reopen. and i'm still working. sigh. but i'm so broke now. doesn't hurt abit to work more. furthermore i don't want to be stuck at home with my mum.
10:33 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
since after the camp, my complexion deteriorated =(
anyway, my latest purchase:

Elizabeth Arden
met zac for dinner today at clementi. had pretty good fried carrot cake! yum. so sinful though. unhealthy!!!
got work again tomorrow. i hate working. but i need the money. i wonder how am i ever going to enter the working world if i hate working so much. maybe next time i'll feel differently because of the super huge pay difference. now, my pay is pathetic.
11:37 PM
love my new Old Navy top i bought today! it's a long racer back top with buttons. looks almost like a vest from the front.was at jurong east today. there's this value dollar kind of shop at the blocks beside the entertainment centre selling cheap things. i found loreal products at almost half the price of what watsons is selling for. of course the products aren't made for the local market. but it's still the same products and very cheap. loreal anti imperfection facial foam at 6.90. retailing at watsons at 10plus. gentle milk cleanser and toner and all that at around 5 bucks. retailing at over 10bucks. i'll go there to stock up on my loreal products another time. feeling pretty broke recently. haha.
12:21 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
went running again. today is speed endurance. i did fast as i can! seriously im dying already. very shag. never ran so fast for 6km before. but my leg muscles don't ache. they haven't really ached ever since my track days. too much leg muscles already. i hate my leg muscles. they're too defined. all track's fault! females suppose to have slender legs. no?
next training will be distance endurance. but i have real bad distance endurance, not because i'm unfit, but because i find it too boring to run slowly for so long.
i wonder if NTU has track team. i miss track. of all the cca i joined, i think track has the greatest fulfillment, followed by photography. the most fun cca will be table tennis. cause can anyhow play and have fun. haha. yea im a cca hopper.let's do some skincare reviews. got so many goodies from foc goodie bag.used the Biolyn acne facial mask. can't find the picture for it. anyway i'm not sure this mask is useful or not. after putting it on, my skin has a slight tingling feeling. maybe it's the stuff in the mask working on my skin. i dont really have acne so i cant vouch how effective it is on ance skin. but moisture wise, it's not that great.
most of the time, i use Watsons in house brand sheet masks. they're super good for hydrating. they're suppose to have other effects like whitening, firming, anti-oxidant, depending on which mask you chose. but i don't think those secondary effects are that great. maybe must use long term. but nevertheless, after removing the mask, your skin looks clearer and feels more supple. the essence is a little sticky. usually i'll soak a cotton pad with water and wipe the remaining essence off. there's just toooo much. but it's good. they dont cut cost on a cheap mask. try the after-sun mask. i used it after my camp. it's very hydrating and soothing on my slightly burnt face.tried the goodies in the shiseido goodie bag also. Pureness range.
the shiseido pureness paper blotter is very good. has a powdery feel. gentle patting of the paper on your face is sufficient enough to mattify your face. no more wiping or dragging the blotter across your face. it smells good too.deep cleansing foam stings my face a little on first use. i have slight sensitive skin. but on second use, it doesn't sting anymore. the toner, known has a balancing softener, is good. it mattifies my face well. im currently using loreal anti imperfection toner and it's abit sticky and has a shiny sheen about it. but the shiseido pureness softener doesn't leave a sticky sheen. the mattifying moisturiser is disappointing though. my face got oily shortly after using it. the garnier pure moisturiser is better.
12:38 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Now i think i know how it feels to be a parent and nagging at your loved ones to take care, go home, go sleep, only to be told off that they're old enough and they don't need you to tell them what to do. it hurts. not that im a parent, but the same thing happened to me.
11:45 PM
just joined the Nike+Human Race. i need to start training! all sorts of training-speed endurance and distance endurance. ya i know it's only 10km but im a sprinter. asking me to run 10km is extremely boring and tortuous. wish i have a track near me so i could do dynamic drills and sprints for speed endurance training. it's really effective in upping endurance in a short while but it's extremely tiring. did it while i was in track and field. for distance endurance, i guess i can only run and run and run. usually i run 5 to 8km each time. need to up it.
found this website where you can get free samples for facial and beauty products. it's almost free la. not totally free because you have to pay for postage of the item. but you can combine postage. like below certain weight is $1.60. so you can select as many samples as you want that adds up to below that weight. i think $1.60 is enough postage for 4 items. some is really worth it. instead of those sample satchets, they give a sample tube, which has alot more inside. go check it out.
working here sucks. not going to work here again. last year i had a computer here to use. now i have to bring my own laptop. my boss tripped over the wire again! my laptop got switched off suddenly again. stupid work place. the plug is so far away. my laptop is already becoming berzerk from these sudden switch offs. happened like 20 times already. VERY ANGRY!
1:55 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
for many many years, i've been thinking that im the sort of person that people forget after sometime. first, they forget my name because my name is simply hard to remember. then they start to forget my face. im not the type of girl who is extremely intelligent, nor those bimbotic hysterical girls, nor am i really funny. if people remember me, they remember me and someone serious. but such people are usually boring, no? im just not attention seeking in a blatant kind of way. hence, im the sort who sticks to very few people whom i can really click with, and remain friends with them for years. im not the sort with a large social circle, because as i said, people tend to forget my name after a while....
last time i was never as close to my friends as other people are, because my mum bans me from outings and impose ridiculous curfews until now. so after long school breaks, i find myself further away from my friends because i didnt hang out with them for so long, whereas they hung out with practically everyone else. that was how i lost touch with many of my friends, which is totally my mum's fault. her limitations on me really didn't enable me to have many friends. sad.
12:53 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
OPNA!that's the theme for this year's freshmen orientation camp. just came back from the 5 day camp. of course i'm not a freshman. im a programmer. without programmers, there wont be any camp! camp was fantastic, but super tiring. i sleep about 2.5 to a max of 4 hours for each night. so shag! the catered food was disappointing though. and i was sick first 2 days of camp so i didnt have much appetite. lost almost 3kg in 5 days. crap im so thin already.
i'm so ready to collapse but busy checking email, see what i missed out these 5 days, and also checking facebook for any FOC photos. will upload more if i got more of them! the photos below are all from SP night, the fourth and the last night of foc.
the programmers!
SP night-the programmers again.
BS seniors!
10:19 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
you know those irritating people who turn on the music on their handphone in public, especially in public transport? i wonder why, that the last about 10 times i encountered this, the person responsible for the music is from a malay. of course i've seen my share of chinese ah bengs having their techno music on really loud also. but the last time i encountered this from a chinese was many months ago. normally chinese like having their earphones, and if you can hear the music, it's probably from their earphones, which is just as bad. but almost every single day, i see malay students from schools around my area, especially teck whye sec, sitting at the void deck or teck whye gardens, with their hip hop rapper trash music on so loud that i can hear it from my flat. i think i should call the school. it's really a nuisance.
12:22 AM
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I remember, once my colleague told me that she likes working here because there was no office politics. That was last year. Then, there was only me working there full time. All my other colleagues are not full-time workers.
The this year, one of my colleagues turned full time. We'll call her A. Then there are 2 more part time colleagues. We'll call one of them B. Now, one thing that i have to mention first is that they're both aunties. Like those gossipy aunties. So there is Auntie Politics now. I always feel abit intimidated by those aunties because I know if there is something they dislike about me, they will start gossiping behind my back. However, after some time, i have this feeling that A and B dislike each other. A started gossiping about B about this joke that B made to my boss. A is the full time worker and she has a lot of stress from handling most of the admin matters and seeing that the worksheets are all prepared and printed out on time. B is just a teacher who vets all the english worksheets. She works 2-6 pm daily. B joked(i think so) to my boss today that A kept pushing her for the english worksheets. So my boss, in a joking manner, told A to stop hurrying B because B might get angry at him for putting her in charge of too much work. and then A whispered to me, "boss is scared that B is angry at him, but not scared that I angry at him ah!" I know in actual fact that A has lots of work to do, and i think frequently, there are some mistakes in admin things and A has to bear the brunt of it. I also heard boss and A argued before that some mistakes wasn't her fault. So when A gets angry, boss doesn't care. So i guess she was annoyed that B can actually complain freely that she has too much work, and A got told off for it.
5:41 PM
Monday, July 07, 2008
went town to meet cariann for her lunch/dinner break during work. and after that, i shopped!!! arghh!! im not suppose to spend money. im so broke. anyway, bought a MNG top and travel sized toiletries. toiletries are for my upcoming camp. yes you must be thinking that i shopped very little since i only bought a top. NO! i tried on tonnes of clothing, and have to fight off some serious temptation to buy TWO dresses. in the end i didn't buy any dress because i very rarely wear dresses. they're too fancy for school and other than school or work, i only go out once a week. but this shows that my frontal lobe of my brain is well developed already. the frontal lobe controls impulses and decisions. i didn't buy anything out of impulse! i thought for very long before buying each item. frontal lobe only becomes fully developed when one is around 18 to early twenties. yes i made super many impulsive buys last time. spent a lot too. extremely regretful =(
bored in the bus..on the way to town.
top i tried on, but didn't buy, at mango. it's so low cut. zac doesn't like me to wear such clothes. haha.
Food fest at taka. ate with cariann here.
top that i bought from mango. try not to admire my tanned and toned upper body =p
10:11 PM
Sunday, July 06, 2008
this Wednesday was day one of senior's camp. well, i could only attend the first day due to some of my own restrictions. however, i had fun. it gets boring sometimes though. organising camp is just not as fun as playing the games. it was tiring and hot. got sunburnt again! im so going to get skin cancer soon. anyway, camp was pretty successful. some changes to be made to the games before letting the freshmen play during FOC.
i can't believe it! i think i have never been so insulted in my life. a Christian said that im NOT emotionally and psychological INDEPENDENT. a Christian who goes running to god every time there're any difficulties. a Christian who cannot face problems without help from god. and he said im not emotionally independent. that's like the definition of pot calling the kettle black. i think religious people are so dependent on the higher being. I've been through so much without such "help". I've got a tougher childhood than most people. I've been whacked senseless by my mum while my dad watched on, not doing a thing. I've been to school with my blood on my uniform from beatings. and i didn't turn out crazy or ended up in therapy. im strong. even my brother was saying that we were lucky to survive such a horrible and loveless childhood. the only tangible love in my family is probably among me and my brothers only.
12:21 AM