Tuesday, September 23, 2008
went to watch Mama Mia! today with zac. $6 movie ticket! so cheap. plus my cheap lunch at dover ($2), we spent $8 each today. and still had lots of fun.
mama mia is really good for all ABBA lovers! the songs are great, though the original ones may be better. it's really a romantic comedy in all. yep go catch it. songs like Dancing Queen, Honey honey and Mama Mia keep ringing in my head.
when i got home, checked email, yay! i got the bursary award of $1200. yipee yipee! but this money, as my pocket money, can only last me 6 months if i spend 200 per month. still not sufficient.hmm i'll just see how it goes.
11:53 PM
Monday, September 22, 2008
every friday, the roads around my area will see lots of illegal parking. about 10 or more cars per each side of the roads because of the mosque near my block. the muslim males will drive, then due to lack of parking space, they park illegally at the side of the road, causing much congestion around my area. the roads at my area are pretty narrow.
now, it gets worse, because it's the fasting month. this congestion thing happens every single night. so many cars crowding the side of the roads. traffic police or the police are not doing anything at all.so i complained to my dad.
me: "wahlao eh. all the stupid cars always block all the roads. all the malays always like to park at the side. it's illegal what. how come the police not doing anything."
dad: "oh. it's because the police also malay. they're prob also park like that to go mosque."
me: -_-"
that's true. got lots of muslim policemen.
5:38 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
funny spanish lesson today. not because la espanol profesora is funny, but bc cariann and i just decided to have some fun while practising how to speak spanish.
the scenerio: cariann is a student looking to rent a small flat near the sch. I am the landlord.
we were given some helping words etc to carry out the conversation.
Cariann: (started with asking how the flat is like and where is it, but i cant remember how to say it in spanish.)
Me: Este es piso pequeno en el centro de la ciudad. (it is a small flat in the city centre.)
C: Cuantas habitacciones?(how many rooms are there?)
Me: Dos habitacciones. (2 rooms)
C: Tiene calefaccion? (is there heating?)
Me: Si, calefaccion central. (yes there is central heating.)
C: Tiene jardin? (is there a garden?)
Me: No, no tiene jardin.
then i said in english: where got garden??? i already said it's a small flat in the city what?!!
and then in spanish: tu loco!!!!! (you crazy!)
'loco' is like, cariann's favourite spanish word because she is almost proud that she knows how to scold people in spanish. she used it on me a few times, so im more than happy to return the favour.
C: i don't want to rent already!! you scold me crazy!
(uncontrollable laughter.)
C: Es muy caro el alquiler? (is the rent very expensive?)
Me: No, es muy barato. (No it's very cheap)
Me, in english: I give you discount! 300 euros el mes(per month). (the text stated 600 euros ok! so i gave her 50% discount alr.)
C: muy caro!! (very ex!) more discount!
Me: No, no! muy barato!! (very cheap) i already gave u discount!!
C: muy caro!
Me: muy barato!
C: still muy caro!
Me: No!! muy barato!
(profesora walks by and gave us a puzzled smile....)
after the exercise, the profesora asked, "so did u all managed to rent the apartment?"
C: No!! the landlord scolded me crazy.
Me: -_-"
7:46 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

haha funny looking zac. <3.
10:47 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Nothing interesting about school nowadays. school's just projects and tutorials laden. so boring. i hate doing the hw102 project. i hate writing research reports. worse still, part of the project is actually writing a weblog on the project page. i have to try so hard to not write hate things about the module. because we have to actually select 5 entries and hand in as part of the project. so stupid right.
my biostats prof is the most luo suo person on earth! he digresses constantly during lab and lecture, wasting our time. it results in him not being able to cover what he wants during lesson. he loves bragging about how rich he is, how popular and how high in demand is his biostats seminars. he also loves picking on foreign students because he said that he hand-picked many of those foreign scholars for my school. yikes!!! foreign scholars. why did he pick so many??? spoil market.
went shopping with evelyn for a while at jp's This Fashion yesterday. TF suddenly brought in many nice pieces of clothes. nice babydoll dresses, tops, floral ones or plain ones. alot alot! feel so tempted to buy, but i have more than enough tops already, and i rarely wear dresses. so i ended up buying a pair of shorts for school instead. evelyn bought a spag top with lots of diamante and a floral babydoll dress, despite having bought many clothes recently too. haha.
2:22 PM
Thursday, September 04, 2008
this tuesday after wet lab, evelyn, veron and i went to eat mac at north spine. in ntu, mac isn't a restaurant by itself. it's more like a stall together with subway, old chang kee etc..(think lido cinema level). so, evelyn put her fries out on a piece of paper napkin. we were eating and chatting, then suddenly evelyn spotted this gray piece of thing 1cm away from her fries, on the napkin. the first thing she said was, "did a bird just flew by?"
then veron said, "errr ya i think so. why leh?"
evelyn, pointing to that gray thing, "OMG!!! this is bird shit!!!"
it's damn funny to think about it now, but at that time it was damn disgusting. my fries were beside hers, but still not really near the bird shit. after that, we embarked on a lengthy conversation about why we hate birds: how evelyn kana bird shit a few times before, and veron and i got attacked by crows before. yes we were still eating. evelyn covered the shit with the mac receipt and continued eating her fries...
then it was time for my dance. saw elicia at the bus stop. we missed a few shuttle buses because we weren't sure which one we should take. and then after awhile, we decided to walk to src. we were late! but when we reached the studio, it was totally empty. instructor not there, other students not there either. after awhile, few girls came. we waited, still no instructor. we left. elicia remembered that she has the instructor's mobile number, msged him. he replied some time later, saying he forgot about it la!!!!!!! mixed up the timing yada yada yada excuses. then he told us to go get the radio n attendence sheets for him from the office. so we did. we bumped into him on the way out. he had a new excuse to add to the list: he wasn't feeling well. hmph! so irresponsible.
11:32 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
last sunday was the Nike+ Human Race. it started 15mins later than it's suppose to be. usually while training, i could run 7km comfortably without stopping or even starting to pant. but running this 10km is so much tougher. the environmental conditions are just different. at the start point, everyone goes off really fast, because there were still thousands of people behind you and you dont want to be stampeded or pushed over. so that was what happened. i ran faster than my usual pace at the start, and couldn't keep up that speed for long before i became really tired. the second half of the race was hell, going down into underpasses and up onto road level again multiple times. clarke quay area has loads of underpasses. so the terrain is super tiring. i ran until i had chest pains around the 6km mark. so i had to stop to walk. so afraid to be one of those athletes who died during such races >.< with obstacles such as chest pains, stitch n blisters, i still managed a 1hr 16mins. not too bad though i can run 7km in less than 45mins. the fastest timing in the world for this race is like 29mins. for 10km leh!! no play play okay.
8:03 PM