Monday, October 27, 2008
the craziest week of my life is finally over. spanish quiz, 204 quiz, 205 assignment, hw102 project and presentation all in one week. gave myself some sort of break this weekend. but it's already going to be over. noooo!! =(
next up: 203 assignment, 204 lab, spanish oral and listening, then exam (which is in 2 weeks!!)
sigh. can my life get any busier than this?
watched gossip girl again. it's good. it always makes me feel glad that im not super rich like those girls and guys in that serial. so many scandals and so much rivalries everywhere. though it's a high school setting, the characters have sex with different ppl ever week, and ALL of them really do have summer flings. why are americans like that?? however, i want those beautiful clothes, bags and shoes!
11:09 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
it's going to be november so soon. exams are coming, but they'll be over soon too. then it will be christmas!! i love christmas. i love sitting down and brainstorming on what gifts to buy for the people who matter to me. it's very heart warming. better still, i love shopping for the gifts! =) yay cannot wait. my exams end on the last week of november. means i only have 3 weeks to brainstorm n shop. oh no =(
7:00 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
yay Spanish quiz was over! now have to study for another quiz that is on thurs. and i haven't started. i haven't finished my 205 assignment either.
whoever who leaves nasty comments without leaving names, it just shows that you're a coward. you probably cowered under my threats before some time or other that's why you don't dare to reveal yourself. *smirks*
and if you're smart enough, you know that i'm blogging this just to agitate you cowards further. and if you're smart enough, you know that i have blog statistics tracker. meaning, it's obvious when you have my blog address directly (either it's on your bookmark or u memorised it) instead of clicking a link from elsewhere. this also means, that you probably know me personally, and you're not a random blog hopper.
adios! happy hating me =) i dont really care. all i care is that i have nice friends, namely don, krys etc who tell me not to bother about assholes like you.
7:53 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
All my days I will sing the song of gladness
Give my praise to the fountain of delights
For in my helplessness, you hear my cry
And waves of mercy poured down on my life
Beautiful Savior, wonderful counselor
Clothed in majesty, Lord of history
You're the way, the truth and the life
Star of the morning, glorious in holiness
You're the risen one, heaven's champion
And you reign, you reign over all
Google Translator--You're my saviour!! without you i may as well be dead. I may as well get an F for my spanish quiz. You give me light when im in darkness (regarding all the weird spanish words). You hear my cry for help when i don't understand a single sh** about spanish. You rule!
(no offence intended to christians)
on other things:
i need a new phone. or check out what's wrong with my phone. half the buttons are insensitive already and my thumbs hurt from pressing so hard on them. my phone has been freezing up on me also. and it's not even old! jeez sony phones you suck.
10:27 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
you know, actually i sincerely believe that everything is a misunderstanding. that B doesnt mean to hate me or what. and i also dont hate her. it's just that now exams are so near and yet there're still so many tests and assignments, tempers are just running high, including my own. i always have a short fuse anyway.
there're so many politics in sch. be it project group, or SBS club or FOC com. i have so many people complaining about their project group mates also, or the recruitments of FOC members, SBS club etc.. but really hope that this is just a project and there is no need to create enemies. most importantly: COMMUNICATION. you feel that i should do more work, fine, tell me! better still, tell me exactly what i need to do. come on, im human. i'll never ever volunteer myself to do more work which i dont like, especially homework!!
2:04 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
i found out today, that at university level, there're still childish and immature people around. when there're problems or anything, one should always speak up to clarify things, instead of keeping it inside and getting pissed at the person for no reason. for all you know, it might be a misunderstanding.
like somebody i'll just call her B (maybe bc it stands for the word bitch?). she likes to give out instructions about the project. BUT she is not the group leader. usually i wait for instructions from the group leader, like when to collate and combine the report, which parts should each of us do and by when we must complete. this girl B, seems to have overthrown my group leader, and suddenly she becomes the one giving out those instructions. and the worse thing is, i dont know about any of the instructions she gave out, because almost all my tutorial groups are different from hers. should be miscommunication or no communication at all. somehow the instructions didn't reach me. so i didn't know when to finish the work allocated to me. all of a sudden, B says, "ok let's combine our parts now." of course im stunned. i havent done my part yet. this happened twice already. hence, it lead B to think that i'm a slacker, free rider or what.
she's real immature too. project things should be kept within the project, instead of dragging her negative emotions about me to the work regarding other core modules. example, B told my friend not to lend me certain notes from this biology module, not the project module. maybe B doesnt want me to do better than her. because i always slack like crazy compared to her but still do better than her. HAHA. some people are just smarter la. B also refused to talk to me the whole time, and has been backstabbing me to my other friends about me. why dont she just confront me??? cowardice? perhaps. this reminds me of myself many many many years ago when i was only 12 or 13 years old and a pro at backstabbing. but i was really stupid at immature at that time la. >.<
8:08 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Just some random photos....

my super old school prof. he carries this long wooden stick to lectures so he could point at the screen. other profs just use the laser pointer.

who knew longan and lime drink could be such a yummy concoction? evelyn n i went to NIE canteen to eat today. we bought yong tau fu, then when we looked around, we saw many many tables with this longan n lime drink. so we wanted to buy it too, since the weather was blistering hot and this looks real good. we didnt know what it was called. anyway, we got in queue, and we saw the person beside us order this. so evelyn pointed to that and said, "I want that one!" haha.

donut donut! yum.

the very cute neighbourhood stray cat sleeping on my neighbour's shoe rack. she loves sleeping upside down like that.
anyway, now projects and assignments are in full steam! my project group is so enthusiastic about the project until i couldn't take it. they're quite disorganised also. every after meeting, we would allocate some work for each person. and they always wouldn't say by when to complete. and one fine day, suddenly one of them wants to collate everything, leaving me stunned. i haven't done my part! i didn't know they want it by that time. of course, all my group members did their share already, except me. im feeling some kind of communication gap between them and myself. or they're just super enthu that they cant bear to do their project part each time. growl.... that project is last on my priority list. im concentrating on my individual assignments. the group work is screwed anyway. some of my group members' english is atrocious. i dont care if i offended them. that's the truth.
8:09 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
while on the bus home today, i saw a stray dog at the road side. and then when the bus passed, the dog crossed the road behind the bus. and then after that, the dog stepped onto the road (in the middle!!). it was the turning lane of the road. luckily no cars were turning into the road at that time. the funny thing was, the dog was in the middle of that lane, while looking left and right, i assume to look out for cars, to cross the road again, back onto the same side where i first saw it. hmm. weird doggie. it's kind of smart, knowing how to wait for traffic. but it waited in the middle of another lane, which has no cars. so i dont know to call it stupid or smart. haha.
saw this video online. a diamond studded ipod shuffle, with the other parts made of gold. so expensive. and to me, it looks like those ipods that girls "zhenged" with diamantes they bought from arab street. like elicia's phone. thinking about it, nokia's luxury range of phones, vertu, also has such models. the whole phone is diamond studded! looks more like elicia's bling bling phone already.
7:49 PM
Monday, October 06, 2008
2 tests down. 1 test to go, 3 assignments to go. to be completed by end of this month. =(
i don't know why i can't feel as motivated as other people about studying. i tend to study abit then i stop and do something else or just stone and daydream. hence i study much slower than other people. what the others take 1 day to finish, i may take 2 days. if only i could stop daydreaming about shopping, nice clothes, manicures etc...then i can study super fast.
i know i can work fast. last time when my mum made me do maths early in the morning, i take hours for a few problem sums. but when my mum made me do them before i sleep (i.e if i didn't finish, i can't sleep), i only take an hour for an equivalent amount of work. i need immediate incentives to work. haha.
10:57 PM
Sunday, October 05, 2008
yesterday zac and i spent the afternoon and evening at orchard. went to lucky plaza for lunch, in search of something cheap (so we can indulge in more ex food for dinner). so we saw this little coffe shop on the 2nd or 3rd floor, can't really remember. we saw $3 prawn noodle soup. well, it's pretty rare to find $3 food in town so we decided to eat that. when the noodle came, i counted: 5 prawns!!! wow. usually prawn mee soup doesn't even contain 2 prawns. usually they give 3 half-prawns, which is only 1.5 prawns. yea and it's about $2.50 or $3 bucks. but here, i have 5 whole-prawns! and they're slightly bigger than the normal ones. yum yum! so happy. i love prawns.
for dinner we ate at this jap restaurant at the basement of The Cathay. They have a really unique way of ordering your food. Instead of asking the waiter to take down your orders, you go around the restaurant, picking up ice-cream sticks that have the food name on it, put them all in a cup at your table, then the waiter will pick up the sticks and there u have your orders! and the waiters will pick the sticks up at your table automatically when they walk pass and see them. you don't have to say, "excuse me, my orders are here.", or try to get their attention. the staff is good and fast. they zip around, walking damn fast. haha. and the best part: SUSHI 99CENTS a plate!!!!! great food, service and price.
12:57 PM
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
ahh so so freaking busy. in the month of october, i have 2 tests, 1 big big lab report that consists of like 40 pages or something, 2 project-based assignments, and one huge ass 5000word project/report to hand in. and not to mention i just had a test last week. this will be the busiest 5 weeks of my life. sigh.
next week test: microbiology. 7 lectures-worth of material, and each lecture has about 100 slides avg. yea. only 700 slides and 200 pages of the textbook to study. OMG.
10:55 PM