Sunday, November 23, 2008
I think i'll be so dead for my next 2 papers. after my hell week of having 3 papers in 3 days, i kind of just stopped studying. i think those 3 papers totally fried my brain. i ABSOLUTELY have no mood to study. I made lists of what things to shop for after exams, be it for myself or xmas gifts for zac. I was even thinking of where to go already. I feel like going courseway point because I haven't been there in years though it's only 15minutes away by mrt. I want to go anchor point to shop at the outlet stores. I thought of what dramas and movies I want to watch after exams. Thought of how to pamper myself, go for facials and manicures =D I CANNOT WAIT LA!!! omg.
7:35 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
haven't been blogging because i've been so freaking busy. in the midst of exams now. mind boggling papers squeezing my brain juices dry. exam times always make me swear that i will study consistently the next semester, but when the new semester comes, the most i'll do is doing my tutorials. and when assignments like lab reports starts piling up, i totally stopped doing the tutorials altogether and even skip lectures. bad bad habits of mine. but i think they're innate. i can't change it that much.
can't wait for exams to end. reason being:

want to hang out more without worrying about meeting datelines etc...i miss zac! but when my exams end, he'll be on course. sigh! our schedules ALWAYS clash.
2:10 AM