Monday, December 29, 2008
X'mas celebration was great. thanks to zac <33333 we had jap buffet at The Cathay. Some of the things we ate:

we also had a hilariously long receipt. it was like 30cm long, or even longer. they had to list out everything that we ate bc all buffet items, other than the sushi plates, had to be ordered. thanks baby for the many gifts too.
anyway, I'm utterly devastated by my results. i'm sure there is something wrong with the moderation. i waited up until 12.30am to see my results, then upon receiving it, i had to call zac to complain or something. so talked till 2am. but i couldn't sleep till 3am. woke up before 6am for work. suppose to sleep till 6.30, but i just simply couldn't sleep.
work was super tiring, because i had so little sleep. it was tiring physically. must carry stacks and stacks of magazines. but i was already better off than other people who had to carry 900 magazines hundreds of metres away. it's no joke. super heavy. can only carry up to 150 copies each time. so they walked to and fro many times. anyway, for some money...ok la once a while i don't mind.
i can see my complexion slowly clearing up after the facial. the facial treated my skin, and im also trying my best to maintain it by doing the 3 steps religiously, plus exfoliate and face mask once a while. and most importantly: keep my hair away from my face and not to touch my face. i have an extremely bad habit of resting my head on my hand, putting my head on the table etc..
super tired. sleep time for me...
10:32 PM
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas peeps!When everybody is out there celebrating today, i actually didn't go out at all! I'm waiting till tomorrow to go out to celebrate, when most people should have gone to work, leaving town less crowded and more pleasurable to go to. Of course there's still the problem of school kids roaming around. I'm going to shop for clothes properly when the kids are back at school, not counting the uni people like me.
My family doesn't celebrate christmas, but every year, we still need to log cake =) yummy! and there's the cute little christmas tree that zac got me last year to put on my shelf =)

12:03 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I Love Maybelline
Have any of you tried this new maybelline mascara yet? It's highly raved on magazines and everywhere. I saw it on the december issue of CLEO. I've tried looking out for it in watsons, guardians and other beauty stores but they're ALL SOLD OUT!!!!
anyway, click on the widget above. Especially for inexperienced mascara users, there're makeup tips inside, plus, this pretty cool game on how to put on mascara properly. I've tried the game, and considering that i've been using mascara for years already, i still totally don't know how to play this game =( But for the pros out there, there're prizes to be won too! Check it out ya?
2:19 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
went to town yesterday with char. haven't seen her in so long! we walked around far east for hours. char got those coloured hair extensions and a pair of flats. i didn't buy anything! i wanted to buy shoes also. but im still sceptical about far east brands. most of my friends who bought shoes from there, no matter which shop, their shoes start to break after one month, or even after wearing ONCE only. well i did buy something-zac's xmas prezzie.
went to New York Skin Solutions at marina square today for a facial. zac kept insisting that this is a skin TREATMENT, not FACIAL. yea i went with zac. haha. free facial. first trial only. basically, this
treatment, i feel, is about the same as the one i went for at some neighbourhood facial place. cleanse, soften, extract, mask. the only few differences: the price (super steep at NY) and the mask is better. i have super sensitive skin. even gentle squeezing will cause my face to swell and become blotchy. so after extraction, as expected, my whole face looked like FOC's fright night make up. at the neighbourhood place, the mask after that didn't make the swelling go down much. but my this place, the mask is of a much better quality. 80% the swelling and blotchiness disappeared, but it was still visible.
after this, i went novo and bought a pair of flats at 50% off! only 20bucks. im pretty sure the quality is better, though not as fancy and seemingly stylish as those far east ones.
11:34 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I need a cosmetics overhaul!! My makeup is all super old! and i think it's making my skin breakout.
Liquid foundation - 2plus years old. it's about one quarter used.
Blusher - even older than my liquid foundation and 1/10 used?!!
Pressed power - super old, but finishing.
Lip gloss/lip stick - super duper old, less than half used.
Eyeshadow palette (I have 2 of these) - super super duper old, only a few colours are half used. the rest untouched.
Pencil eyeliner - super duper old, very very little used.
Eyebrow pencil (i have 2) - one is more than one year old. maybe 2 years? the other one is dammnnnnnnnnnnnnnn old. but i just can't seem to finish using them though i use it often.
The only stuff that i finish more frequently (meaning in one year or less) are, powder foundation, mascara and eyeliner. Im a cosmetics junkie. I like buying when i see pretty ones, but i end up not using them. too lazy to put makeup. normally it's powder foundation, mascara and that's it. If got more time, then eyebrow pencil and blusher.
how how? those super old makeup are bad for my skin, but most of them are hardly used. can't bear to throw them away =(
1:47 PM
Monday, December 15, 2008
went to watch twilight today with zac. it's pretty good. gives you a whole new meaning to being hungry and lusting after a person. in this case, the guy is lusting after the girl, but i think it's just for her blood. he almost couldnt resist biting her. but he's a new age vamp: no humans please! i hate the ending. when the credits came up together with some screen shots, i was still watching it like it was part of the movie until it hit me and i said to zac, "eh it ended alr??"
i really don't feel like blogging about this, because i think my blog is starting to look like a racist blog. but im really not racist! it's just coincidental that they seem to irritate me recently. today on the bus, while going home, i was sitting down, then this malay woman came and stood next to me. a strong stench suddenly hit me. it was the smell of extremely smelly shoes. i looked down and she was indeed wearing sports shoes, just the type that stinks if you dont dry it enough. she stood next to me during the super long bus ride and i almost wanted to faint. even when she could move in, she still stood there. im positive the smell is from her shoes. arghhh!!!!!
11:11 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
omg i got stalked by a scrawny ugly bespectacled malay guy on friday at bukit panjang plaza!
i first noticed him few minutes after i entered the mall. i was in a shop. then that guy kept squeezing past behind me in the narrow aisle. i was in that aisle looking at clothes for while, but he squeezed past me 3 times. i was so irritated. because he squeezed past behind me and he wasn't looking at anything at all, just walking up n down the aisle. when i looked at him, he looked down at his handphone.
i walked out of the shop. i passed by the escalator, but turned back because i decided to take the escalator up. when i turned back, i saw him right behind me again and then i thought, "hey it's him again." anyway i went up. he went up too. i walked into aries. after awhile, i left aries and i saw him wandering around outside. then i walked around the 2nd floor. he followed me. everytime i turn my head slightly to look at him, he looked down at his phone. i went down the escalator. he got onto the escalator right behind me. after this, i was quite sure he was stalking me; before that i wasn't sure. so, i started testing him. i went to see
lingerie(!!!), he followed and hung around closely
(pervert!!!!). i sped up, slowed down, made sharp turns, stop right in the middle of the mall doing nothing. HE FOLLOWED SUIT EXACTLY!!!
I went down another floor by escalator. unsurprisingly he was right behind me on the escalator again. I left the mall, walked to a traffic junction, he followed.
Here is the fun part. the traffic junction has TWO pesdestrain crossing. when i reached the junction, just at the moment the first crossing turned green man. i didnt cross, neither did he. i was standing slightly sideways so i could see him. The second crossing turned green man. you see, since there were only 2 crossings, if i didnt cross the first one, it meant that i SHOULD be crossing the second one. that was what he assumed. he took a step forward to cross(trying to act casual right??). but i stayed put. he saw that i still didn't cross, he took a step back and didnt cross also. he looked flustered, like he got busted, which is true. but zac turned up, and the game was over. he hurriedly turn back to the crossing that turned green man first n waited right at the edge of the road like he was impatient to cross. haha. scared that i will tell zac and he will bash you up right.
Yesterday, i played tennis at ntu with zac. twice, i hit the ball so high that it flew over the high fence surrounding the court!!! yea it's my first time playing. haha! anyway im aching all over now. only the right side of my body other than my legs. sigh! another unbalanced sport.
12:17 PM
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
went shopping with zac today.
Braun Buffel is having their sale. last day today! i managed to grab a very nice wallet for $39!! ahh the smell of new leather. there're many other nice ones also but they're all around $60+ to $80+. it's quite cheap for a good brand, but i already have a bonia wallet which i bought for $80+. so i was just looking around for something way cheaper to add to my wallet
club marc having good good good sale!!!! feel so tempted to buy their booties or heels which are mostly below $40! but i already have a pair of boots that i never worn and heels that i rarely wear. so it's not practical. zac bought shoes though, for $35!!!! the usual price is $100++++++++, can't really remember the price. haha.
i saw so many of my friends having completed the standard chartered full marathon. makes me inspired to join also. but many of them walked more than half the distance and took around 8hrs to complete. if i join i will never be satisfied with that timing. firstly today, i walked 6hrs in heels while shopping already. wearing running shoes which is sooooooooo much more comfortable. secondly, i'll be bored walking for so long. i really dont like running/walking as a sport. so boring. im more of a team sports player or sprinter. i need speed and excitment. if i join, i'll just keep pushing myself to run and run and run, and im afraid until my body cannot take it. i tend to push myself harder than my body can physically take it. =( that's why i have so many sports-related injuries. i will join with zac =) maybe i'll even be the one pushing him.
12:13 AM
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
stayed over on monday at zac's place because his parents were away =) though zac had a test on tues, he still wanted me to go over, cooked with me, watched movie, played the violin and many other things. as a result, he didnt study much and failed the test. the test passing mark is 75% la. i bet he got 74.5% or something. he's a smart dude. he usually does not so bad although he doesn't ever study.
hmm i need to go xmas shop! =) so many things to plan for.
im getting ACNE!!!! although im already 20 going on 21 in about 3 months. my dad noticed it too. he said why my face like that?! i know there's no escaping it. it's in the genes. both my brothers had serious acne but treated by dermatologists. BUT they still have lots of marks and scars ="( i dont want!!!! my eldest bro got it in jc, my 2nd elder bro developed it earlier in upper sec. now it's my turn. noooo! im extremely depressed. don't feel like going out anymore. bumpy red skin. my acne targets the sides of my cheeks and it won't get any better because i use my hair to cover it all the time when im out, not to mention layers of foundation. sigh.
1:24 PM