Saturday, January 31, 2009
Visited the national museum today! here are some photos taken with my phone camera. not that great. most of the other photos in zac's camera.

i think this is the photography exhibit... don't know why the chairs are there. for you to chill i guess.

this is a series of photos left to right. this is not an exhibit. just swinging chandeliers in the museum. it only swings at certain times. looks pretty scary, like they're going to fly off after they swing.

Near the entrance. There were some men-in-black guys wearing suits here to check if you bought the tickets.

Nice clean toilets that has nobody, new rolls of toilet papers and paper napkins to wipe your wet hands.

Chinese wayang exhibit.

Fashion exhibit. Don't these dresses remind you of the latest trends of patterned high waist skirts?

The shoes were were tiny and narrow. Don't know how people used to fit into them. but they actually look pretty fashionable even today.

Some art exhibit. not historical.

Olden-day funeral carriage.

Chinese lanterns in the Tan Tock Seng exhibit.
8:36 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
school has been pretty slack still. and that's totally not my fault. the profs themselves are slack, refusing to post up any tutorials. until now, the THIRD week of sch, some modules still have no tutorial questions yet! i hate the profs. they like to dump everything on our laps at one go, just because they're all lazy at the start of sem.
still, there're many hardworking people around, especially the bms people. people!! please drag me out to study! like really study! scold me when u see me online and ask me to study!!!
some overdue photos(because i just got them from zac):

our x'mas celebration...which was on boxing day. less crowded.
7:40 PM
Thursday, January 08, 2009
went shopping with evelyn at orchard yesterday! shopping for cny clothes. i bought a high waisted skirt. it's those printed ones. mine is full of baby blue/pink and some other colour but overall it's blue. wanted to buy one with black little flowers on a white background but evelyn said that one is too normal, since black waisted skirts are everywhere now. well hopefully i can pull of that blue number. eve bought a red dress! haha.
Im sooooooo in love with this maxi dress!! the length, fit and everything feels like it's made just for me! saw it in isetan wisma at $39, which is really affordable and cheap. it's usual price is $69!!! i so wanted to get it, but i know if i buy it, i'll wear it at most once or twice only. and my mum will scold scold scold scold me for getting such fancy-according-to-her clothes.

9:16 PM
Friday, January 02, 2009
happy new year peeps!the year passed really fast. already spent 1.5 years in uni. only 2.5 years to go. so fast! i think schooling is the best time of my life. really wish i can prolong this time. i'll go get a doctorate =D but getting a phD is so different. i think you'll be alone most of the time, researching and doing your thesis. hardly the same as other fun university years.
in 2008, I did this:
scored badly in my exams (okay zac says i didn't do bad, but his standards are pretty low),
spent too much,
become a programmer in foc (this is the most fulfilling thing i ever did that year. it was really nice helping the freshies get a great and fun start to uni life),
took MTV dance (this was a little crap. i don't like the instructor's choreography at all),
learnt how to use contact lenses (achievement!! i was totally horrified at poking things into my eyes),
took part in singapore runway skating,
took part in nike human race,
took up rock climbing,
took up tennis.
In 2009, I will:run standard chartered full marathon under 7.5 hours (hell no i dont want to complete it in 8hrs plus!!!)
learn to swim (like really swim properly, im like 50% know how to swim only),
learn to cycle (have to overcome my fear of falling which is ironic because i can rollerblade and ice skate),
kind of feel like taking rock climbing certificate (still considering. lol),
earn more money,
spend $150 max per month (i dont know how im going to achieve this),
get fitter,
stop touching my face (to improve my complexion),
STUDY HARDER!!!!!!! (hit GPA of 4.5. haha miles away. but i like to aim high).
12:57 PM