Monday, March 23, 2009
i have almost completely lost my appetite. in the past few days, i only managed to finish my meals twice or so. for the first time, i left behind sooooo much of my deliciouss pastamania =( although it is nice, i just couldn't eat. i feel so nauseous. i could only take more liquid food because it goes down easily and doesn't make me want to throw up.
and my TCM friends say there's something wrong with me because i have no pulse/very very weak pulse on my right hand. apparently it's signifies that certain organs of mine are weak blah blah get the idea.
it must the the stress getting to me. i know nuts about
biophysics. i can't do a single calculation.
advanced biochem is so horrible. the prof said that textbooks are no use here because we're learning such cutting edge things that are not even published in textrbooks yet. so we have to read those research papers as revision or something?!!
immunology sucks. the profs talk as if they don't need to breathe. somehow ALL the immuno profs are like this.
virology is the only topic im still fine with.
bioinformatics--WTF?! though i think the prof is super funny and nice.
mastering communication--
ling ling go eat shit la. i don't think my english is so lousy, considering i got A- for art of academic writing.
7:11 PM
Friday, March 20, 2009
few days back was the SBS road run. one round around ntu, about 6km.. i started off really slow and relaxed but everyone chiong-ed off! i dont know why. so for about 2km i was kind of at the last postition. after the 3rd km then i started picking up speed and ended up at 8th place among girls! i kind of got dizzy and blacked out for a moment when i was near the end. but i got up n continued. haha heck care. doesn't matter. my legs weren't aching at all after that. didn't do my best. haha. but i think i did la. because my limiting factor isn't leg muscles, but my breathing. bad cardio =(
finally finished the 100levels liposome test. stupid prof torres. hate you to the max.
more lab reports coming up. exams in 20+ days. OMG.
gymed and ran again today despite my recurring shin splints. i think they're back. shin hurts on impact. sigh.
10:50 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Some photos from my birthday surprise!!

Group photo...thanks everyone for turning up!! my face looks really white here.
And the below are the partners in crime for hiding this from me so damn well. i talk to them so much and they seriously didn't leak anything out.

Evelyn babe.


Cari Ann
on a heavier note.... the stress is seriously mounting!!! another few tests to go. i had so many already. this sem sucks. jiayou everyone =)
went gym yesterday. okay la mostly i ran on the track. 12 rounds around the track for warm up. haha. then can start doing the gym machines. cross trainer, rowing machine which made my back ache so bad, lats pulldown. now i can do 40lbs comfortably (meaning around 10reps). yay!
went to eat maggie goreng plus choc milkshake (which was really thick) at bukit timah with zac just now. omg i think all the workout i did ystd went to waste already. tmr i shall run at least 7km =D
12:17 AM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
oh my i was so busy. i could finally take a breather. a damn short one though.
last thursday was my elective test; today i had a presentation which is a super big portion of my final grade for that module. finally this was over. i'm relieved.
but i have more coming up. 2 lab reports to be handed in this friday; next monday test; another online test to be done by next friday. oh my god. 3 tests 2 assignments 1 presentation within 2 weeks. i barely have time to sleep nor eat. i've been feeling nauseous, probably due to my period, lack of food and sleep all added up together. i've been getting headaches everyday and get this: i almost NEVER get headaches before all this madness. i've been sleeping poorly because the stress is getting to me. i sleep for 2 or 3 hours fitfully, before i start waking up every half hour. sometimes i wake up suddenly soaked in sweat, just to wake up again 15mins later freezing. keep getting nightmares too. sigh. stress!!!! *tears*
9:45 PM
Friday, March 06, 2009
today i was suppose to go to school 45 minutes earlier just to rehearse for my wednesday's presentation. i was around 5 mins late. so i rushed from the bus stop to my school building, where veron was waiting for me. then veron told me evelyn was going to be slightly late. so we waited in resource room A for evelyn to come. then evelyn called veron, which i overheard something about going to resource room B.
i asked veron, "oh she waiting for us at resource room B ah?"
so ok...veron and i went to resource room B. there was a door there which leads to the benches outside, then veron just pushed me towards the door, then i still asked her, "oh she waiting for us outside??" but i didn't see her.
then i turn my head to the left, lots of my friends were hiding in one corner, with evelyn holding a birthday cake!!!! i was super stunned. haha thanks evelyn, veron, jay and everyone else who helped pass the msg around, for hiding it soooooo well from me!
thanks all who turned up: evelyn, cariann, veron, elicia, don, jay, yixia, roy, daoxian, weili, aijia, gladys, gillian, feng yi, shuling, yiroe and who didn't i named??
i got a tub of mask from skinfood, a sash (you know those beauty pageant kind) that says 'birthday girl' which i was forced to wear, balloon and this magnetic drawing board thing that kids have but i NEVER had until now =))))), and the delicious cake.
no photos yet. all with veron =) thanks all!
oh crap la im so old already =(
10:30 PM
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
yesterday was such an unfortunate day. an NTU student slashed his professor, then slit his wrists and jumped to his death. it was horrific.
i learnt about the incident around 1pm. it was such a tragedy yet most of the students can make light out of the situation. maybe because it was so shocking that people joke about it to lighten the situation. and im slightly guilty of it too. comments made were like "now is the time to demand things from our profs because they'll be scared of us now", or about this certain disgustingly obese prof: "if we stab him, he wouldn't be able to feel a thing". yea ntu students are mean. of course im not going to reveal who said what or what i said. im just saying i heard these things.
Yay today zac decided to celebrate my birthday in advance. he first picked me up at my place, then drove me to his house. Here are the photos:

zac made me this strawberry cheese cake =) yummy

a small slice for me.... he made it with very very sweet korean strawberries.
well, after that, he drove me to this restaurant near dempsy. it's the famous Au Petit Salut. french restaurant.

Zac's entreez of six burgundy snails......... the snails are inside the holes of this special plate. it's quite nice actually. lots of garlic paste on top, which we ate with the free flow bread.

my entreez of salmon tartare with baby spinach and olive bread toast. the salmon is super fresh. i didn't eat the green stuffs. looks gross. and tastes bad. according to zac.

zac's main course of red wine braised beef cheeks with carrots, parsley potatoes and mushrooms. the cheeks of the cow! so weird. but yummy and tender.

my main course of "Hachis Parmentier". it's oven baked lamb stewed with mashed potatoes. this was like heaven. most tender lamb i ever ate. the mashed potato, with other veg inside were cooked till so soft that i cannot taste the weird veg. which is a good thing because this makes me eat the veg.

this is my dessert of sponge cake with pineapple jus (not passion fruit, zac!) and coconut shavings on top. very refreshing and sweet.

zac's dessert of almond macarons filled with chocolate Ganache, with cranberry sorbet. The sorbet is very nice. sour, but nice.

Us with our desserts =)

My birthday present and card
check out the Seiko Coutura watch....

REAL diamonds on the rims!!! ok this photo doesn't do justice to the watch at all. i found a photo online.

a real beauty. zac must have spent a lot on this. thanks honey =))

a surprise present from zac's parents. super pretty shell!!!! it's so smooth and shiny. i love pretty shells =)
that's all for today.. got to finish my script for presentation, and study for thursday's quiz.
6:04 PM