Friday, June 26, 2009
Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuhl-cher]
Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing. –noun 1. | the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. |
That's the definition of a cultured person.
I should be pretty decently-cultured according to the above. I'm in a decent university doing a pretty good course. I dance, I do sports, I play the violin, I draw, I like to read and I can study. I'm not saying I'm a great person. I am indeed lacking slightly in the manners section.
but still, I see
no reason why I deserved to be called uncultured today, just because I use swear/curse occasionally (all at appropriate times okay!), and I'm not a christian.His reasons are that not being a christian makes me a less better person. Christians tend to swear less. Ironically, I know a lot of religious people who swear more than me. Also, swearing shows that I'm uncultured. But manners is only part of a person being cultured. just because the occasional swear word slips out of my mouth, I deserved to be insulted like that?
I think it's called the singapore youth culture. It's something that is common among youths, regardless of race and religions. And i don't swear frequently! I don't see why it shows that I'm a rough ah lian or what. Swearing alone does not make somebody a bad person. Not being christian or religious doesn't make me a worse person either.
I think I'm more cultured than you in so many more ways! More ways than you can count.
*holds head high*
I will not be lowered by your insults.
10:20 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Yesterday zac and I went Orchard Central to try the Via Ferrata system of rock climbing. I feel that generally it's easier than normal rock wall climbing, because you're basically climbing up metal rungs. feels like climbing ladder. But it's harder than the ladder because the rungs are not arranged in a straight row. They zig zag around the wall, there're slight overhangs and all that. The troublesome thing about this is that there is no belayer. There're a whole lot of carabiners that you have to use to hook yourself to the wall so you won't fall to your death if you slip. So most of the time, I'm using one hand to hold onto the rungs, and my other hand is hooking and unhooking those carabiners.
We were supposed to climb onto this platform. I was doing fine, great even. Until zac reached the platform first together with the FEMALE instructor, and they started chatting up there like old friends. I tell you, the instructor has the hots for zac. Like so obvious! During briefing, she kept looking at zac, barely taking a glance at me. Like hello??? are you explaining to both us or him only. Then throughout the climb, she was beside him, guiding him, and no one was guiding me. Only until they reach the top then they look down and try to guide me. Nevermind. I'm pro enough to guide myself. But looking up at them chatting like they know each other for damn long, i got distracted and bashed my knee against the METAL rungs, followed by my head. So i've got bruises on my head and knees.
After we reached the platform, we're to abseil down. She was still chit chatting to zac while hooking him to the abseil equipment. Then after zac went down and it's my turn, she barely talked to me. And she didn't teach me how to abseil. She wants me to die ok! after hooking me to the equipment, she said go when I'm ready. She didn't tell me to reach this brown piece of wood on the wall with my feet, before lowering myself down. BUT i heard her telling zac. So I purposely asked, "Huh so you want me to just jump off this platform?"
She's like, "No, reach for that brown thing first!"
So i said, "yea why don't you tell me first since it's an essential step in this."
She took really really long hooking zac up to the equipment and teaching him the steps and stuff. She took about a minute to hook me up to the ropes and basically left me on my own. What a bitch.
She is LYDIA from BORDER-X at orchard central. Short bob-style hair, dyed. Anyone see her, especially girls who go with their bf, BEWARE OF HER!
8:46 PM
Some overdue photos from our 4th anniversary celebration.
Kind of lazy to arrange the photos in order. So here goes..

Weee.. Rasa Sentosa. Pretty at night.

Yummy Jacob's Creek Rose which i practically gulp down.

Sentosa at night is nice =)

This is at vivo city. See the lights from the construction works in sentosa. Going on 24/7.

We had dinner at marche. This looks kind of gross, but the black pepper mushrooms and potatoes are heaven!!

My favourite marcher food: crepes!! yea i already started eating when zac wanted to take a photo. sorry dear. haha =p

Mushroom and ham pizza.

Baby =)

Fantastic view from the rasa sentosa! that's the pool. and the lights in the background..
8:25 PM
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
the moon was so bright last night. it shone into my room, onto my bed. so i was just lying down and looking out of the window, and i took this photo. haha.

i love taiwan cosmetics, facial masks and other beauty products. they're cheap and they're worth more than what you paid for. i ordered
chaarming super perfect mascara online last week and it arrived ystd or maybe earlier (i don't open the letterbox everyday). fast postage! i like this seller. anyway, i tested it out like right away!
first, i gotta tell you that i've got seriously non-existant eyelashes. the one product that i spend the most on is mascara. im always finding the best out there for me. got to be volumising and defining. lengthening is a plus. im not a big fan of long lashes. i just like thick, volumised,
visible lashes. normally lengthening mascaras like fiberwig (which is really good for lengthening), still makes my lashes non-existant. because it just adds on to the length. no va-va-voom volume.
anyway, this chaarming (i duno why got 2 a, it's not typo error) super perfect mascara is really good for what i paid. can buy it from various blogshops from $5plus to $8plus.

Before... OMG like got no lashes.

After 2 haphazard coats..tada!! you can see my lashes! they're well defined too. and volumised! ya haphazard coats because i don't apply evenly or wait for the mascara to dry first before applying the second coat. just anyhow testing out. this mascara slightly lengthens too. damn worth my money. i love the brush. combs my lashes really well to give me well defined lashes. =D another plus factor is that it's washable. i know most people don't like it, but i do. i hate wasting time using eye makeup remover to remove super waterproof mascaras like fasio ones.
i think if i apply many layers, i'll get a really dolly thick lash look. it doesn't clump either. great for adding multiple coats.
11:03 PM
Sunday, June 07, 2009
i love shopping online, looking at fab clothes that singapore will never have. i used to look at taiwanese websites because most blogshops have sprees for these taiwan websites. but now, i saw this blogshop having a
taobao spree, which is a china-based website. it works like ebay or yahoo auctions. it is a imitation goods haven. and a wonderful wonderful cheap clothes haven!!! look at these cute cute cute shoes i found! there're hundreds and even thosands of such adorable shoes in taobao. together with shipping, these don't even cost over $30 a pair. much cheaper than taiwan shoe spree, Fashion Market.

9:40 PM
i have been having rashes for the past 1 and a half weeks. i first saw some red spots on my torso before my rasa sentosa trip. after that it got worse. my whole torso was starting to look like red polka dotted skin. most of the spots are not bumps and they don't itch. however a dozen or so of them are bigger and are raised bumps. those itch. i also have this huge-ass bump which i thought was a mosquito bite at the side of my thighs. after that i realised it isn't a mozzie bite because it lasted for more than a week and the surface of the bump is rough.
i finally saw the doctor on wednesday when the spotty rash spread from my torso to my limbs. she said i have 2 types of rashes. one is the big bump that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. that one is parasitical rash. another rash, those red spots and tiny itchy bumps, is something else altogether, and she cannot diagnose it accurately. she said all i can do is wait. if it doesn't get better after a week, she'll have to refer me to a skin specialist. she prescribed me antihistamines just in case those rash is a case of allergy, together with cream for the parasite rash. i hardly took the antihistamines. i believe i'm not having a case of allergy. i have no allergies! i never had any allergic reaction, except to dust.
friday, it was still getting worse. i was getting impatient with the stupid rash, so i decided to put the anti-parasite cream ALL over my rash. i think they could be a manifestation of that big bump. and viola!! it worked. or rather, it seems to be working. yay. i should be a doctor la. im still having the rash, but many of the spots have disappeared =)
9:30 PM
Friday, June 05, 2009
few interesting things on the bus to town today... interesting but annoying.
the bus was at the last bus stop in bukit panjang before hitting the expressway. many people boarded as usual, and some also alighted. the bottom line is that the bus stopped at this stop for pretty long. then the bus finally moved off. then i heard someone pressing the bell continuously. and this auntie shouted in chinese, " i want to get off!!! open the door!! hey! i want to get off!!" what the hell. did this auntie fell asleep or what? the bus stopped at the stop for so long and you didn't get off. i suppose the bus driver had to stop for her, because the next stop is AFTER the expressway, which is town area already. so no choice, the auntie wasted all the passengers' time by making the driver stop at the road side for her.
another incident was that i was sitting in the bus reading my book, then someone hit me on my head twice. it wasn't a tap. it was hard enough to be called 'hit'. i turned around and saw this indian baby. the mum apologised, which i was fine with. but i was just wondering, why is it that the last time i saw something similar, was also an indian baby!? that time, which was also on the bus, the baby kept grabbing my bag strap. it was okay because i like babies and i know they tend to be inquisitive. and then the baby suddenly reached out to the lady next to me, and gave the lady a slap. yes! the baby slapped the lady!!!! it was a pretty loud slap too. what the....
anyway back to today's incident, after the baby hit me on the head, his/her (i have no idea of the gender) mum started singing all sorts of nursery rhyme through the journey. especially a very long "Old McDonalds had a farm". so for very long, i have to endure all kinds of animal sounds... sigh.
11:57 PM
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
isn't it annoying when someone keeps telling you his excellent grades voluntarily? especially when he already knows really well that im not doing great in school, and im really depressed by it. it's like rubbing my deep wounds with salt and turpentine. it's not like i don't want you to do well, but it's just kind of insensitive to tell me these, especially AFTER you have complained to me for
weeks that you're totally lagging behind, don't know how to do your assignments etc... and then tadaa!! magically you get full marks for quizzes and As for assignments.
5:39 PM
Monday, June 01, 2009
went for a night stay at shangri-la rasa sentosa with zac on thursday. the service is ultra disappointing. we check in, and there were contractors in our room! servicing the air con, they say. so we went to the lobby to request for another room. then the bimbo trainee told zac why don't we just wait for the contractors to be done. but hello??! we paid to be able to check in at 3pm on time! you're delaying us and hence we're not getting our money's worth. so we spoke to another guy at the counter at we got another room. and free late check out the next day. that's better. the room isn't as nice as the amara sanctuary. smaller bathroom too. so disappointing. thought shangri-la has high standards. but a small and cheaper resort like amara is better.
anyway because of stupid delays like this, we didnt have much time for the beach before we headed to vivo to have dinner at marche. we shared yummy smoked salmon crepes, mushroom and ham pizza and stir-fried veggie salad. i swear veggie never tasted so good. but then we only had potatoes and mushrooms. haha. had root beer too. everything is quite cheap, added up to below $30.
after that we just walked around vivo and then back to the hotel. zac brought a bottle of jacob's creek sparkling rose, which was really good. yum yum. i drank really fast. oh yea the room didnt come with wine glasses. so horrible. amara sanctuary resort provided them.
i had the worst sleep ever. the thermostat was down, so the room was freezing like mad. after getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, i couldn't go back to sleep anymore. because once i stepped out of the blanket, i was shivering, nose got blocked and runny, and kept sneezing non-stop. argh.
next morning i felt like crap as i went for breakfast. nice breakfast. i had pancakes, hashbrown, beef sausages, chicken sausages, cheese omelette, tea, milo, some bits of waffle. haha. after breakfast we went to the pool to suntan! was super hot. but it feels good. cleared my blocked nose. this little boy almost drowned in the pool. so scary. but the life guard was so sharp. spotted him before anyone did. then the mother suddenly appeared and thanked the life guard. where did the mum went to??? irresponsible.
we ate cup noodles for lunch in the room, then checked out. the room doesn't have forks!! wth. damn lousy. we ate noodles with spoons. sheesh. stupid rasa sentosa.
yea that's about it. overall nice experience except for the room.
1:32 PM