Friday, August 28, 2009
Zac only has school on TWO days per week for his next sem! That's the epitome of unfairness. His course is easy to score(means you can do well with minimal studying) and has serious EXTREMELY few hours of lessons! I have
more than double of his lesson hours a week!!
In SBS, everyone has to put in mad effort to get As. The people who get mostly As are those who really study every minute of their waking hours. I only study when I have tests or exams and hence my results are suffering. Zac studies less than me; he only studies
the day before his papers. And he gets As. Is that unfair or what?!
11:55 PM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I know it's weird that I'm 21 and couldn't cycle. BUT I learnt to cycle today! Thanks to zac for driving me to east coast park from ntu. Super far away! Thanks honey. Anyway I managed to learn without falling, and I got it in around 10 to 15 minutes. So proud of myself. Haha.
11:25 PM
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Bored of trying to do neuro tutorial. It's making me neurotic. Neuro profs really suck! They totally cannot teach. And I don't know why they don't want to speak up. I can't hear what they're trying to say. I'm really trying to study harder this semester. But it's so difficult.
Just some random photos...

This new label called New Look in Orchard Ion.. It's really a shoe haven!!! Look at the racks and racks of shoes! And this photo shows only about half the number of shoes. That is evelyn trying on shoes.

Closer up. Each rack has so many levels of shelves and on each shelves there're so many pairs of shoes!

This is C. elegans worm. They're microscopic and transparent! They wriggle and it's cute to watch them. This is somewhere near the mouth.

I took this photo because Cariann could not identify the vulva and I was trying to show her. haha.
9:48 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Zac is at the most ridiculous camp I ever known. It's a muay thai+judo camp. However, out of the 3 days 2 nights camp, there is only muay thai and judo training on ONE of the MORNINGs. The rest of the time is spent playing games, watching movie, playing cards, hanging out in their rooms, cooking their own food, fright night and now, the camp is serving alcohol to the students. SIM camps have alcohol!!?? That's not the point. The point is that I don't see why it's called muay thai and judo camp. Zac is like saying he joined for the training, since he's a muay thai enthusiast. YA RIGHT. Training? Where? *Rolls eyes*
NOW they're playing poker with money, plus drinking. wahseh! drinks and gambling under one roof. Where can you find it? SIM!!
11:30 PM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
During developmental biology lecture:
One of the first things that the prof said, "What is cleavage?" Then, some laughter heard. Haha. Of course we're talking about the one that occurs during cell division. But still, it's funny =p
7:45 PM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Just gotten photos from zac. Here are some of the things I did during the holidays =)
First up,
Zac's 21st birthday celebrationat a very nice jap restaurant, Tetsu at tanglin.

Hey why you look so sleepy??! So nice of me to bring you out to eat good food okay.

Look at the spread of food! The bento lunch set comes with very nice miso soup and 2 different types of sauces, which is beyond my comprehension on which sauce to use on what food.

Hehe..Up close of the bento. Succulent salmon! Everything was nice.

Our dessert of lime, strawberry and orange sorbet.

And then, there was
Iluma at bugis...

Nice ceiling. haha.

At bugis junction's donut place. donuts i think.
And then
Subway @ Holland V. It was so emtpy. Great to sit there and talk for hours.

SC8 class gathering at the Pasta Shop at Wheelock. The food sucks. No wonder it was so empty and could accommodate all of us without a reservation.
12:39 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Yay. I survived the first day of the semester, although during both lectures, I was almost falling asleep. Slept late the night before due to somebody's phone call -_-. Damn sian. In between lectures, we brought a group of freshies to take a tour around ntu. The weather was uber hot and humid. We sweat like crazy. The only useful lecture today was developmental bio. I understood the lecture! It was mostly basics, but it's a good start. I really really hope I can keep up with all the modules. 6 examinable core modules. No kidding. Hope I do better this sem.
I feel that you've totally changed to another person. I feel like I don't know you anymore. Such a stranger to me...
8:29 PM
Sunday, August 09, 2009
yesterday at night i saw this lizard leap out from the edge of my window! I think i turned on the lights too suddenly and it jumped out, frightened by me. Haha. It was so funny. It was a huge lizard too.
This morning my tv was suddenly spoilt. I have no idea why. It was still working last night. Anyway my dad immediately went to get a new one. See how my dad cannot live without a tv. Tonight is the national day parade too. Oddly the parade is going on now. And I'm not watching. I'm only interested in the military part. The performances are always corny to me. This year, even the military section has a corny touch to it. A simulated terrorist attack, with the performers all 'running off' the stage in a 'panic'. Then the navy displayed their speed boats chasing fake terrorists. And suddenly there're mines in the water, and the naval divers jumped out of the chopper into the sea to rid the mines. I rather they just display their wares normally without the story line.
I was just roaming online and I found this running method that many triathletes use. It's called the Pose method, and triathletes use it to conserve energy, or rather, because they won't have much energy left after swimming and cycling, this method requires less energy than normal running. However, the performance is still there. Cool man. I can't wait to try it out.
see this
8:11 PM
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Thursday was buffet with zac at cathay's Nihon something jap place. Not bad. We just ordered lots and lots of sashimi and zac also ordered lots of scallops. The most expensive items on the buffet menu. Haha. I notice the waitresses keep walking around with trays of purely sashimi. Seems like all buffet goers also felt that it's very worth it to eat a whole lot of sashimi there.
School is starting =( damn sian, just thinking of all the reports and difficult-to-understand lectures. Each semester is getting harder and harder to get decent grades. I used to be contented with one A and a few Bs or B+s. Now my results are getting worse. Sigh. Dread it so much. I need to teach tuition too. Pretty in need of some extra pocket money. Can't wait for my bursary to come! Assuming that I got it of course...
10:25 PM
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Yesterday was beach day! With evelyn babe. We reached vivo around 10.20 am and went to giant to get water, and evelyn wanted to buy a beach mat. So we searched high and low but still couldn't find it. We ended up talking about using shower curtains etc and lots of other funny things. Haha. We still found it in the end. There was a cheap foldable one and we both bought that. Only around 7 dollars.
We went to palawan beach, because of the foodcourt. We'll need lunch. The sun was super super hot! Great day for the beach. So we spreaded the mat and started tanning. The nearby tree's shadow was starting to cover me, so I dragged the mat further away..and the mat tore!! It tore where the folds are. Earlier on, Evelyn also tore hers while dragging the mat. Haha it was hilarious actually because it was so funny how easily the thing ripped. We took a break, have lunch and desserts, then continued tanning. The sun was hotter at 3pm than at noon! We were burning like crazy, so we decided to leave 4pm. Evelyn was a gorgeous shade of brown. So envious! But she was turning red quite fast also. I was still barely tanned =(
After this was vivo. We tried on many pairs of shoes at topshop and river island. There was this super fierce gold gladiator super high heels from river island. It's super nice. It has gold laces. Damn cool. And costs $233.... >.< Sigh. Those heels can make anyone's legs look a mile long man.
When I got home, I realised my chest, back and torso was getting redder and redder and redder! It's so hard for me to get a nice tan. I get burnt instead =( Nevermind. At least I'm still slightly more tanned than before. Can't imagine how burnt evelyn got. She's fairer than me to start with.
Tomorrow is buffet time with zac honey =D
8:35 PM