Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I could feel the tremors from the Indonesian earthquake this evening around 6.30. It took me awhile to realise what was going on. Here was what happened..
I was on my laptop as usual, then I suddenly felt dizzy. The laptop screen appeared to be swaying in front of me, making me think that my head was spinning, though the swaying eventually really did make my head spin. Anyway, I felt dizzy, and a second later, my brother said that he suddenly felt really dizzy too. I turned and stared and him and said, "Huh?! I feel dizzy too!"
We stared at each other.
Brother: I think the building is shaking.
Me: Yea I think so too. Crap.
At that time, I didn't quite believe it. Until a few seconds later, I could feel myself really being rocked side to side in my seat. I rushed to the kitchen and told my mum that the building was shaking. And my mum went, "Got meh? I think you studied too much." I wasn't studying anyway. The block was still swaying...
I rushed outside the flat to see if anyone was outside too, wondering what was happening. There wasn't any commotion at all. The stray cat was still there looking pretty lazy. I wondered if I was imagining things.
Such things are not uncommon at all in Singapore. Tremors are felt pretty frequently, but it just never happened before in my area, and I got pretty scared. At first I just thought the building was going to collapse perhaps due to poor construction. I ruled out earthquake in the beginning because my area never never experienced any tremors before.
Scary experience! My legs turned jelly, hands and feet turned cold at the thought that the block was going to collapse. I hope I never feel this crap again. Really made my head spin.
10:44 PM
Monday, September 28, 2009
Quite a number of things to blog about.
First, it's the Swenson's Ice Cream and Dessrt buffet! It was pretty worth the money because it's one-for-one using the emailer. The offer is ending soon on 30th Sep.

This was my first bowl of ice cream. 5 flavours here: kiwi raspberry gelato, green apple gelato, lychee gelato, strawberry and lastly choc chip. I love the gelato flavours the most, because it's less thick and creamy, which means I get full slower, and could eat more! Lychee gelato was super good! Green apple too. After that I still took super lemon gelato, which was insanely sour but nice, mango gelato which was good too, strawberry gelato and more lychee gelato. Haha. Ask for the small scoop! The standard scoop is very big. I think zac only ate 4 standard scoops. The fondue is great, the cakes so so only. The highlight is the waffle! It's super nice, but I dare not eat that much because it makes me full easily. Yum...
Next thing is the Cozycot Holy Grail Party which is the singapore beauty show. I only went there to collect my Lavena shoes, which is a prize from a contest on cozycot. It's an expensive pair of shoes! It's sold at $69.90 on the website, $59.90 when it appears sporadically in some department stores. But at the beauty show, the shoes are going for only $30. But it's still more ex than my average pair of going out shoes.

These are my shoes.. They look nicer from the website. I just wanted a nude coloured pair of shoes that's why I picked these. They're not very pretty per se, but they're comfortable and stable. Actually it's a pretty cute looking cause of the rounded toe and strap. After I tried walking around a little in it, I realised they're about half size or one size too big =( Oh well. Too big is better than too small. I had to reserve a size when I got the winning notification. So I wasn't too sure about the sizing then. =(
Some random things...
Freshkon contact lenses solutions changed their casing. It's better now. Much easier to close the covers, and the blue and pink is darker. But, the right cover is now pink instead of blue, and vice versa. I'm a little confused about my right and left, so I memorised it as blue cover is on this side, and pink on the other. But the colour switched =( luckily both my eyes have the same degree. So it doesn't matter if I accidentally switched covers.

Hmm toilet direction in NTU. haha. actually evelyn moved the waste paper basket right under the arrow. However the arrow was already pointed downwards.
7:30 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lesson was cancelled today at the very last minute, while I was actually rushing to have lunch outside so that I could get to school on time. Luckily while rushing, I happened to check my handphone. Some friends who saw the email had smsed me about it. Phew! In the end, since I was with zac, he drove us to east coast. Haha. I cycled again! He roller bladed. I'm such a noob cyclist (2nd time cycling only) and he already couldn't catch up. =p
Saw this piece of horrific news. I almost cried ='(
"MELBOURNE (AFP) - – An Australian cat named Smokey survived 13 shots to the head from an air rifle and then found his way home after what police on Tuesday called a "shocking" act of animal cruelty.
The nine-year-old moggy turned up on his owners' doorstep bleeding from his head last week, three days after he went missing from the family home in Maryborough, central Victoria.
A medical examination revealed 13 pellets lodged in his head and face. Sergeant Craig Pearse said it was remarkable Smokey had managed to get home after his ordeal.
"This is just a shocking incident where someone either working alone or in a group has shown no regard for animal life and left Smokey for dead," Pearse said.
The distressed feline had to be heavily sedated while 11 of the pellets were removed, he said, adding that Smokey was expected to recover.
Animal welfare advocate Hugh Wirth said the incident was "utterly disgraceful", and that Smokey's tormentors deserved jail.
"Almost certainly these will be young males around about the age of 18 to 20 who have done this," said Wirth, Victoria state's president of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
"It's a pattern that we see throughout Australia and there's only one way to deal with it -- and that's jail.""
Poor cat ="( It's just an innocent cat. Why are some people just so so cruel to animals?? Inhumane!
8:49 PM
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ah it certainly feels good to have a long weekend. But I'm so absurdly guilty about what I have been doing since friday: watching movies and dramas online, meeting zac, wardrobe shopping(I have a new one now!), playing facebook games and slacking. I also gave tuition and had a longer-than-usual violin lesson.
I got my first pay for tuition! Luckily I didn't get fired by the student. Haha. I think I'm pretty lousy because I cannot remember every single thing about jc biology. But this time, I spent alot of time reading up and refreshing my memory first. So I managed to teach my student quite a lot. $70 per lesson. That's a lot of money, so I'm trying my best to give her $70 worth of help each lesson. And she's failing terribly. I really want to help her get at least a C or B for A levels, though she started tuition so late, and only ONE lesson per FORTNIGHT!
I needed another smaller wardrobe to store my rubbish like sports equipment, violin and violin materials, shoes and clothes that I don't wear, bags, beauty products that I buy in bulk to stock up(I always have excessive masks and lotions etc because I just like having a variety =D), and many other crap . So, I went ikea yesterday with my dad looking for this particular small wardrobe. It's only $199. But it was out of stock!!! In the end we returned to the furniture shop at my neighbourhood and bought a $300+ one which is slightly bigger than the ikea model I wanted. However, the lady boss was really nice! It was $300+ but she gave us discount till it's $280, plus, since we live so near the shop, she waived the delivery fee, so we only paid $260. And she said since it was public holiday, she will give us a king koil pillow as free gift! Yayness! New pillow too! My wardrobe is arriving tomorrow! =)
I think the tea tree oil mask from the body shop is making my face breakout. But I hope it's just the purging properties of the mask, since it's suppose to deep cleanse and remove impurities from beneath my skin.
4:57 PM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

UURGHSS!! No matter how gentle it is, I really do not wish to remove my eyes!
See what a big difference horrible english can make. Especially in retail shops.
7:58 PM
Really don't know who you are anymore. Your attitudes and behaviours changed totally. After entering sim. I guess that's why.
You know, sometimes you can really tell the difference between local uni students and private uni students. Or maybe it's just the people around him during his activities are that sort. But the people around him are sim people.
Q: Where can you find girls who goes diving as an opportunity to take slutty, suggestive FHM-esque photos?
Q: Where can you find girls who ask other guys to help them take individual slutty photos?
Though the photographer for those slutty photos isn't zac, the photos are all in zac's camera. Hmmm....
To zac: I already put here that the photographer ISN'T you what.
7:53 PM
Monday, September 14, 2009
Update: The smelly guy is gone!
But now 2 seats away, there's this guy who keeps making a lot of LOUD obscene sounds. I have no freaking idea what he's looking at on the com, but he keeps going, "sluuuurrrrpp!", "mmmmmm...", "muacks!". He also groans, moans and I thought I heard 'suck c***'. And he's also breathing heavily. So disgusting. Evelyn and I cannot stop laughing.
11:48 AM
I think people should be considerate and bathe before going out, if they know that they stink. It's so early in the morning, and some guy sitting beside me in the library, STINKS! Evelyn and I are getting headaches already due to the smell. But we're kind of lazy to find other computers because we have to log in again which takes forever. I don't know if people with BO knows that they stink or not. Anyway it's just inconsiderate to people around them >=(
10:53 AM
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Haven't been blogging much, though quite a number of things happened in the recent past.
Firstly, we had a trip to bukit timah hill as part of plant biology lab. We went there mainly to observe plants, the different types of competition, the ways those plants overcome such competitions. Our guide, who is also our plant bio prof, is a super good and animated guide. He never fails to amuse me with his antics. During lesson, I've seen him really skip about in excitment about something. Like hello?? A middle aged guy skipping and jumping around? But all in all it's good entertainment. Not to mention that he is really great in what he teaches. He is probably the prof with the best enunciation so far. All the other profs, caucasion, hongkong, chinese or not, I don't get what they're talking about. This plant bio prof, reminds me of those people on discovery channel or nation geographic. Perfect and clear english, with great explanations about nature. Rare find.
Anyway back to bukit timah field trip. We saw several plants like the 'cheng teng' plant. It's a dessert plant, because the glutinous substances around the seed, is actually used to make cheng teng, a chinese dessert. Yum. We also saw dipterocarp trees, ferns, and animals! The monkeys were adorable, and we even spotted a few flying lemurs. Flying lemurs are super cute, just clinging onto the tree like koala bears. Haha. I haven't had the time to upload photos. In a while ok?
I also had my first jc2 tuition. It was a disaster actually, because the syllabus has changed so much until there're actually things that I had NEVER learnt before, even in UNIVERSITY. Sure, we did learn about the lac operon, but we learnt about the activation and regulation. These jc2 kids learn about a totally different aspect of lac operon. We also did learn HIV virus as a whole. But they're learning sooooooo specifically about just this single HIV enzyme called the HIV protease. In uni, we prob just touched and go, but they went into great detail about it. Sigh. I've got to read up so much on my own =(
I need to try to study consistently. Go go go! So far I'm only up to date with developmental and plant biology. Bleah.
10:04 AM