Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I want to get over and done with this week!! It's wednesday already. Jia you to myself. There was lab on monday, tuesday and today, and there will be lab on friday and saturday too. The worse thing is that I have to teach tuition on saturday and the timing clashes with lab! And I totally forgot to get my tutee's mobile number =( I tried emailing her but she hasn't replied. I need to call the agency to get their house number. So troublesome. Just because of the stupid lab session which I think is pretty short.
Long long lab reports coming up. And also developmental bio test, and EXAMS!!! Why does SBS always increase workload by 10 folds when exams are approaching. We need time to revise! SHINGZ (from ris low's dictionary-can be used to replace the f word)!!
Evelyn's sis just gave birth to a baby boy!! So adorable! Looking at photos of the cute baby makes me want to have my own baby. But thinking about the labour process and disfigurement that comes with pregnancy totally puts me off, and will continue putting me off for the next many many many years to come. Worse, thinking about the time and money I have to put into each child is enough to put me off for a lifetime. Is it worth spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on children????
7:20 PM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Look at who I found at canteen A! So adorable! Zac threw a bread crumb on the floor, and the little cat kept staring at it, but it's sooooo timid and dare not come nearer. The cat looked at us periodically, with huge dilated eyes, as if asking, "Is it really okay if I take that crumb?" And then it just continues staring at the crumb. Haha! =)) Then it finally took a small step towards the bread crumb after about 5 minutes of sitting there and staring at it. And after aeons, it finally ate it. Must be hungry. Poor kitty.

Photo below is just to show that there's actually another small cat of the same size under the brown bin area.

And this little cat sleeping so well, near the LRT station. So cute.. Normally kittens or small cats run away or are scared of humans, but this little one just slept and slept. It's calico coloured. Random x chromosome inactivation in each patch of skin results in this colour.
9:01 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Argh eye infection. The weather is horrible. Makes me feel horrible. Even my brother is feeling sick, despite his mega-dosing of vitamin C daily.
Sigh got to delete that post. It's kind of too late to delete it, but whatever makes him happy.
Plant lab report about ginseng. Boring. Despite reading those fantastic claims about ginseng, the bottom line is that the effects of ginseng are still not clinically significant enough for it to be incorporated into mainstream medicine. Ginseng seriously sounds like a miracle drug though.
4:34 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Just now while having dinner, I told my mum that the egg tofu was really salty today. So I suggested to her to put less salt. My mum tends to have a heavy hand when it comes to adding salt. I was thinking of the health impacts of eating toooo much salt. Instead of getting some kind of assurance that she'll put less salt, she turned back and scolded me like crazy. She was like saying hokkien people traditionally eat salty food. Take it or leave it. She also yelled at me for drinking too much soft drinks or sweet drinks, hence I'm more sensitive to the salty taste. That is so not true. I love salty fries; my salt tolerance is good. But this was way too much until I couldn't even finish one piece of tofu! I was so ridiculed. It's so not about tradition! It's about my health! Now she's like some old hag perhaps she can stop caring that much about her health, but I've got such a long way ahead of me. It's not like I'm some health fiend either, but it's just that the tofu was simply salty beyond measure. My mum is such a ridiculous person. I wished she cared sincerly.
I often complained about my neighbour who smokes all day downstairs, and the smoke travels into our house. The smell is really strong and I cannot breathe everytime my neighbour smokes! Again, my mum was asking me to shut up and stop complaining by saying things like, what's the harm of a little cigarette smoke, and that all her older relatives smoke and they live till a ripe old age, and long ago, people smoke even more harmful things like opium and they do not get lung cancer either. My mum is so ridiculous! She's still so stuck in the damned past that she rather believe that everything is the same as before, than believe in science and statistics. My mum totally cannot adapt. She hates flat screen TVs, hates radios that have no casette player, hates modern washing machines and too many more to mention. Gosh I hope I do not end up like her.
10:10 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I don't know what's wrong with me ever since I entered uni. I've lost the motivation to study hard. Since year 1, I've been just studying last before a test or exam. For the rest of the days, I'll just slack around, going out, watching dramas and shopping. I also leave my lab reports till the last minute to do. I've just lost the drive. I hate my results, but I just don't feel like doing anything about it. My only theory is that I got so sick of studying already. Since kindergarten or primary one, my monster mum has been pushing me, forcing me, stressing me to study, and demanding all the good grades. Now that she stopped doing it, I just want a breather from the past 12 years of stress. And because of uni, I cannot take this breather. I resent having to work my ass off to get decent grades. My course is seriously full of over-zealous muggers who have no life but study. The competition is insane. It scares me just to think how much other people are study. I shudder at the mere thought of myself studying just half as hard. Yikes. Hate studying. And for once in my life, I'm not doing well in school.
2:33 PM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Watched the movie Surrogates. It's about how the people in future can buy surrogate bodies to represent themselves in the real world. The surrogate bodies are just very high-tech robots. They're mannequin-like, no wrinkles, but other than that they move and talk like normal people. For example, if you're some fat ugly guy sitting at home and dare not show your face to the world, you can buy this surrogate which looks like a hansdome, suave and muscular guy to represent yourself outside. All you have to do is sit at home, plug into the system which allows your mind to take over the surrogate. So now the surrogate's brain is your brain. You can do all the normal things you wish to do.
In this movie, everyone has a surrogate. The whole world is replaced by surrogates, while everyone just sits at home, controlling their surrogate. Even at home, the family members do not show their faces to each other. Everyone stays in their own room, and communicate via surrogates. At first the idea seemed delicious. I mean, I can buy some saucy bombshell surrogate to represent me. Why not? Or if I were outside, and I got into an accident, it's just my surrogate, and not my real body. But on hindsight, I'd rather not. The couple in the movie, they're just like anyone, using surrogates to take over their lives completely. However the man wants to break out of it. He wanted to see his real wife, he wanted to go on a holiday with her and not the surrogate. Of course the wife didn't want it. The wife didn't want anyone, even her husband to see her present sickly and disheveled state. How sad is that? I can't imagine not looking at my own children's real bodies, touching my husband's plastic polymer body. The real human closeness and interaction is all gone. As some of the anti-surrogates people in the movie said that there's no humanity left in the world.
The world of advancing technology is just scary. You'll never know what the future will be like, when taken over by robots.
11:01 AM
Some photos from the plant biology anatomy lab. I love looking at how those cells are being organised. Nature is awesome. But i do not love drawing all these for the report... So many circles to draw.

Star shape vascular bundles!

This stem is so cool. Everything is arranged to the sides.

This is my favourite! The stomata so cute! And they're all over. The rest of the cells are stained purple. One of my fave colour.
10:54 AM
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Felt kind of bored. Took some photos of skin care stuff I got recently.

The refining herb mask from Sasa was buy one get one free! So I grabbed 2 pieces at only $1.95. Super cheap. The last time I bought this was buy TWO get 1 free. The cucumber cooling pads was also buy 1 get 1 free! I was so glad that I put off buying it couple of weeks back when I first saw it. Was buy 2 get 1 free at then. Got some cucumber make-up remover tissues from Sasa too. The rest of the stuff was from Watsons. I very much needed the Clear Up Blemish Patches. It's really useful because the main purpose is to of course heal pimples, however, these patches beats pimple cream because it protects your pimples from dirty pillow cases when you sleep, and I didn't have to worry about my pimple cream smearing on my pillow case too. Great stuff. Next was the Garnier self-heating mask. On discount at $1.95! And it has 2 applications. Cheap mask again.

This was probably my best buy of the lot. Bio-essence waterproof eye makeup remover. I have been looking for a cheap one for soooo long because my previous cheap one became super expensive now, probably due to inflation. Yea bio-essence cheap? Hard to believe right, but this 125ml bottle is only $7.80 I think. It's much cheaper than Loreal and Maybelline and other brands! Bigger bottle yet cheaper. This is the promotional price though. I've seen cheaper ones but they're not for waterproof makeup. I'm so happy I chanced upon this. I almost bought the Maybelline one. 70ml or so for $9.90.

More bio-essence stuff! I got all these free from the singapore beauty show goodie bag. Wah these sachets could probably last me more than a month. Yayness.
3:58 PM