Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Foreign workers, being foreign, should be respectful to other people in singapore! It's already horrible enough that they're always in huge groups, and their ugly cabins where they stay at, are totally eye sores. My area has lots of construction going on, mainly the upcoming ITE. The ITE is massive, hence the number of workers there are massive too. It makes me unable to jog at night, because I don't feel safe jogging alone in the dark with these disrespectful, uneducated, impolite, uncouth workers walking around.
Okay this is what happened today. I was jogging again, and thankfully it isn't dark yet. There was this huge group of foreign workers opposite the upcoming ITE. There were 20 over of them, and they're all huddled together tighly in their huge group (reminds me of walrusses in the artic, so black, and hanging out in massive groups), on the pavement, and the grass area beside the pavement. You know pavements aren't very wide. And they're totally blocking the way. Some of these workers saw me jogging towards them, but none of them cared to move aside. As I approached, I said 'excuse me', and all but one, ignored me. I stood there, still waiting for them so move so I could pass, and guess what they did? They just stared at me with lecherous eyes, and burst out in laughter and sniggers, AND STILL REFUSED TO BUDGE! What?? Does it make you stupid, low IQ, retarded idiots feel good or smart for once, when all of you refuse to let one poor jogger pass, and then to laugh at her? I didn't want to go onto the road because it was peak hour; the traffic was fast and there were so many cars. Seriously! What's with these foreign workers?? In the end I squeezed like crazy passed them, while they were still sniggering to themselves. So disgusting! Maybe looking at how these people have lower IQ and common sense, and hence lower social intelligence, I MAY forgive them. Luckily it's not at night. Who knows what these lecherous foreign workers may do to me. I think lots of females in my area dare not go jogging at night because of them. Singapore is becoming unsafe partly because of them. Idiots!
10:48 PM
All I can say about my results is.... I DID IT!!
Okay I didn't get GPA 5 la... But considering I barely reached gpa 3 last sem, this sem was a major improvement.
Neurobiology was my largest disappointment actually. I spent the longest studying for that paper. I came out of the exam hall feeling pretty good, because I could do
almost everything. But I guess the '
almost' is what separated me from the better students =( I know I sound like a jealous b****, but there're loads of better students out there who studied non-stop. So how to compete with those? sigh.
The rest of my results are pretty much expected. Kind of what I imagined. Well maybe some are better than I thought. Like I know I'll do well for research seminar. It's a technical english kind of module that concentrates on good english! Of course all those asian scholars out there, FOR ONCE, will lose out to locals who are stronger in english. Yes to more such modules! Although they're boring.
12:29 AM
Monday, December 28, 2009
Went to the gym yesterday, worked out quite a lot, and I woke up with muscles aching everywhere. Then I ran 9km just now. Pretty good progress I must say. I need to exercise more, because when school starts, I tend to neglect exercise. So since I have time now, why not? =)
9:16 PM

Love this photo =) nice scenery, and we look sweet =)
Taken at marina barrage when we celebrated christmas.
9:14 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Spent some time packing my vanity area yesterday. It was a huge mess of cosmetics, accessories and other crap. Dumped them all on the floor first......

And then pack part of my cosmetics into this basket thing with dividers. The dividers are so so much needed...... Left most is my face powders, bronzer and eyeshadow palettes that come in bigger compacts, followed by single eyeshadow colours or smaller compacts, then lipglosses, concealers, lip balms, lip sticks, and the right most is my makeup primer/base, liquid foundation. So organised! Love it. =D

This is basically how the whole mess looks like after I packed...

If only I have an entire cabinet to put ALL the skincare and makeup that I have. This is only about one quarter of everything that I own. I still have boxes of face masks, false lashes, extra mascaras, lip glosses, lip sticks, cleansers, toners etc etc, stored in other drawers all over my room. Not as organised as I would like to be. Maybe when I have more time, I'll rearrange the contents of ALL my drawers and wardrobes in my room. Then I think my mum will have a heart attack, knowing how much beauty products I have. You know, when they're stored separately, they
look a lot less.
11:37 PM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Exams are over, but I saw this photo that I look because I was so ridiculed by how hard it is to pronounce biological terms. If I can't pronounce it properly, I can't remember properly! Because I'm the reciting sort of person. I need to say it out in my mind to remember it. Just look at point number 3. 6-Pyruvoyltetrahydrobiopterin !@%^&*((%$#@@#$%. And from the photo, you can see that most words are not english per se. Just gibberish names.

Skincare/cosmetics haul! Finally went to get my moisturiser, toner and foundation, and make up remover wipes. They were ALL finishing. At the same time. The shopping is quite shiok though. Haha. Bought eyeshadow brush and brush for my liquid foundation too. It's Revlon Colourstay for oily/combination skin. It's very very highly raved for the oil control, and the staying power. So I decided to not buy mac or sephora foundation, and get this instead. Cheaper too. Though I think liquid foundation finishes faster than compact ones. One compact can last me almost a year!
9:57 PM
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Yay my exams are finally over! After 3 crazy weeks of studying harder than I ever did. Well maybe I studied harder for A levels? Afraid for my results though... The competition is so tough. Everyone is studying so hard, it's crazy.
Really need to shop. First, I got to get the essentials. Toner and moisturiser running out. Makeup remover wipes too. And foundation. Feel like trying new products, but I'm afraid they don't work for my skin, and I end up wasting money =(
Now zac's turn to have exams. Can't wait for his exams to end, then we can go have fun!
7:57 PM
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Went to zac's house to study for awhile today. Though it's not the most conducive place to study. Actually it's not conducive at all, but I haven't seen him in a while. Zac cooked me lunch, while I was mugging away. So sweet =) thanks love. Had shrimp wanton, macaroni and cheese and seaweed chicken.
Owe him an apology for upsetting him though. Sorry =(
9:00 PM