Sunday, January 17, 2010
I'm sick =( not sure with what. It's just the generic symptoms of runny nose, blocked nose, sore throat and slight fever, and the most irritating one: non-stop sneezing. The sneezing left me so lethargic, gave me a headache, and caused me to be in bed for most part of the last 24 hours. Only get up for meals, toilet, and to use the laptop if I get bored of staying in bed. And there's work to do =( Can I be excused for not doing the tutorials? I'm sick what =( The sneezing fits took me by surprise yesterday afternoon, and a night's sleep didn't do me any good at all, because I was kept awake by constant sneezing and my blocked nose. Still feel like crap today. Crap!
6:41 PM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I feel totally unmotivated already. And only one school day has passed. Prof LCF was on his best (boring) behaviour again. Zzzz... I only listened to the first hour of the lecture, out of THREE hours!
I've got some photos to put up, but I haven't edited them. So till then!
11:04 PM
Friday, January 08, 2010
Oh crap school is starting =( I hope I have the motivation to study even harder than last semester. I should teach tuition too. Last sem I managed to cope with teaching JC2 bio (which was absolute hell) and studying. Maybe this sem I can too. I need more As... Hopefully to graduate with second upper honours =( Totally regret slacking off during my second year, which caused my gpa to nose-dive.
I'm so much less active during ISG this time round. Not sure why. Maybe I'm getting older, and hence less enthusiastic about school activities. Haha. Which is ironic, because Cariann just said that she's finally getting active in school =p
Timetable clashing with zac's. Hopefully we can work something out <3
Just ordered some mineral pressed powder and MAC eyeshadow base/paintpots online. So excited. Hopefully the MAC e/s base isn't OOS. My first time using MAC products. Many makeup artists seem to swear by MAC. So I wana try out!
7:09 PM
Friday, January 01, 2010
Got bored few days back, and I decided to make my own tinted moisturiser. I've been wanting to make this actually, because my liquid foundation is a tad too dark for my skin at the moment.
Things I used:- Revlon colourstay foundation: Foundation that is a little too dark. Amazing oil control anyway.
- Brandless liquid foundation: Now, this one is a little too light. Haha.
- Acnes moisturiser: Bulk of my home made tined moisturiser will be made up of this. It has acne medication and SPF15. So I would like these properties in my end product. Downside is that this moisturiser has damn shitty oil control, but this is going to be balanced by the Revlon Colorstay. Because of the lousy oil control, I wouldn't use it on its own, hence it's perfect to be mixed with Revlon Colorstay.
- Elizabeth Arden Moisturiser: I'll just add a bit of this for some higher quality hydration, SPF15 and anti-aging properties.
- Clean container and spatula for mixing.

I don't know how much of each product I used. I just went by gut feeling. Haha. Looks like shit now...

Colour was still kind of dark, so I added more of the light coloured one, plus more acnes moisturiser. Looks like major crap now....

My end product is a very frothy, lightweight, feels-like-air kind of tinted moisturiser. It's damn good! I tried it twice already. Decent oil control and I like the dewy look. I think the secret to this is mixing LIKE CRAZY. I stirred the mixture in all directions and very vigourously.

I like the container by the way =) It belongs to this superb moisturiser that can only be found in guardian Josephine counters. It's expensive, but if I have money, I will definitely use it again.
Anyway I dyed my hair black. I haven't seen my hair totally black for at least 5 years!!! It looks nice for a change.
11:01 PM