Monday, May 31, 2010
Finally got a job!! It's pretty close to my dream job: Near my place, slack hours, related to beauty/lifesciences. I'm working for CU cosmeceuticals and biotechnology. Ok la not really working for them, but working for the company that imports these products.
These products are real pharmaceutics. Some of their products can
only be found in specialised skin or asthetic clinics, not just off-the-shelf products. All their products, however, are recommended by the clinics which prescribe CU products. So they're really good for skin, and they really work to heal skin problems. However, they also have some no-brainer products like cleanser, and their famous BB cream. These products, can only be found in
The Living Pharmacy, which I will be working at. Not your normal watsons/guardian products!
I'll start work at the Lot1 outlet this week. Next week will be at Tanglin Mall. I'll be there almost every evening! If you want to buy any CU skin products, come to me!! There's free membership for CU, where you can accumulate points. Now is the promotional period, so got double the points for BB cream and the whitening cream!! Come to me ok? Haha.

My uniform-lab coat. How to tell it's not a real lab coat: 3 quarter sleeves!!!

Company name. Can go to h
ttp:// to find out more.

Free samples! These 2 products will give you double the points until end of June. The BB cream is really highly raved. Awesome stuff. The other product is Pure Whitening Cream. Very highly raved too, until the lady boss say there's not much stock left, and NO samples left. I took the last few pieces. Haha. Free samples at The Living Pharmacy too. Yup. =D
Stage cosmetics sale last day today! Everything is so cheap. I indeed hauled again.
6:48 PM
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Pastel Colour Craze!
So crazy for pastels now. Kind of the trend for this summer season, though Singapore is summer all year round.

Saw this lipstick going for $5 only at SaSa. Brand is Color Combos. Never heard of this brand, but I love this coral colour!! Have been looking for a coral lipstick for so long. Most look too pink or too orange, but this is perfect. Cute silver tube packaging too.

See the little gold sparkles in the lipstick? Nice touch, but not obvious on the lips, which is great. This lipstick is like a cross between a lipstick and lipgloss. It's not very thick and creamy, and it looks very glossy. Kind of like the MAC lustre lipstick, sheer, but still shows up enough. Looks natural.

More pastels! Cheapo palette from some neighbourhood shop. Bad colour payoff with a brush, but somehow looks good with those sponge applicators.

New polishes from The Faceshop! When I saw that minty green, I just had to get it. Wanted to get one from china glaze or OPI, but after shipping etc, would cost me quite a lot. The Faceshop really have quality polishes for $2.90. My fave dark red polish from there is already 5 years old, and still hasn't dried up.
Finally I'm going for a job interview tmr. Promoting skincare products at pharmacies. Hope I get that job. At least I have an interest for beauty products, just not sure how am I going to sell them. Because many of the pharmacies are in heartland malls, and heartland malls are full of cheapos who are not willing to invest in skincare. And inside a pharmacy? Not many people shop there when it comes to skincare. They'll just go to the normal drugstore like Watsons, where there're cheaper brands. The pharmacy only carry expensive skincare, targetted at really problematic or sensitive skin.
2:58 PM
Friday, May 28, 2010
Didn't really want to see my results for the last semester. But I still checked anyway. Glad I did! It was so much better than I expected. I expected C for stem cell, D for proteomics, the rest hopefully in the B range. I got A for pharmacology!! It was so unexpected, because the day before pharmaco paper, I had business law paper till 7.30pm, and reached home at 8 plus. So I didn't have lots of time to look through and memorise the thousand over drugs?? So happy for my pharmaco paper. I got another A-, and the rest were Bs. No C or D!!! Unbelievable....
11:55 AM
Monday, May 24, 2010

Finished the vertical marathon. 63 storeys. I feel like I did better than last year. I didn't stop for long, only took one water break. The stairs this year was more challenging though. It was built in more of a spiral sense, instead of the normal types of stairs, where you go straight up one flight, then turn 180 degrees to go up the next flight. And the stair well was sooo narrow! More claustrophobic. There was vomit on almost every floor after the 40th floor or so. I didn't quite feel like throwing up, but seeing and smelling the puke, almost made me puke!
Although I feel like I did better, but I think I still took a longer time to complete. If I were to complete it faster than the time I took last year, my team would be in top 5 already! Not sure why everyone seemed slower this year. Maybe the stairs was more challenging.
11:37 AM
Friday, May 21, 2010
It was only 5 days away from our 5th anniversary...
No amount of shopping could heal me. Nevertheless, the bodyshop strawberry body butter smells like heaven. on 40% off. Also bought the mango body scrub for very dry skin. On 40% off too.

Really need a job to occupy myself.
7:59 PM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Went shopping with evelyn and xueting yesterday! So happy. We went to Tangs private sale, and evelyn bought a pair of sunglasses. Well, she bought really a lot of stuff yesterday. We spent quite a long time at sephora, because their sale was still on. We went to the NAC one first. Evelyn wanted to get sephora's foundation brush, on 40% off, but there was only 2 left, and they weren't in excellent condition. So the SAs said that the Sephora at Ion will definitely have more stock. So we went down to Ion. And it was totally OOS there, not even one left! Stupid SA. Anyway there was more of the bronzer powder brush at Ion, which I wanted. So I got it. 40% off! Great deal!
Anyway we decided to go back to NAC's Sephora so evelyn could get her foundation brush. I got a foundation this time. My shade was OOS at Ion. The balancing foundation was 40% off too, which makes it cheaper than drug store foundations. Had to get one to stock up. It's safely tucked in my drawer now, so I can resist the temptation to open it before my current foundation finishes. Xueting wanted to get Sephora's hydrating and smoothing foundation, but it wasn't on discount. If it was on sale, I would have gotten it as well. The balancing foundation is more for oily skin. Mattifies, is oil free and smells like Revlon ColorStay for oily/combi skin. I always wanted to try a hydrating foundation. I only buy oil-control types of foundation, because I have oily skin. But my skin is also dehydrated, so I wonder how a hydrating foundation would work on my skin.

Woohoo! Great discount!!

It's a bronzer powder brush, but it is so dense!! I intend to use it as a buffer brush, or a kabuki brush.
Anyway, we headed back to Tangs, to meet evelyn's sis, and her sis's baby, Thaddeus! He was soooo cute! Falling asleep already, but looking so adorable.
10:17 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Tools Day. Kind of. Just have a couple of new toys to play with. I mean cosmetic tools.

These are actually artist brushes. For painting. I bought a set of all the above for only $8! They're really soft. I bought these because of the finest brush. If I were to buy these alone, one brush would have set me back $3 to $6 each. So why not buy the entire set? The biggest brush is barely a centimetre long. So imagine how small the tiniest one is! I need it for my gel eyeliners. There're a few that can be used for gel liners actually. The third from the left, with the flat top, is also good for eyeliners. The rest, I'll use it for my concealers, cream shadows, paintpots etc. Really soft and smooth bristles.

The teeny brush, seen with my MAC fluidline.

Just got these in the mail. The elf studio line blush brush, which is oh-so-soft!! The eyeshadow brush, which is unexpectedly different from my previous one, and my much needed lash curler. Got to retire my old one. Cheap but good stuff. hehs.

Ok, so here is why I said my elf shadow brush is unexpectedly different. The one on the left is the older version of the same brush. Longer bristles, more 'C' shaped.

Side view: The one on the left is the old one. More bristles! Thicker.

And finally, the length difference.... oh well. It doesn't quite matter, because I still love that brush. So soft, and picks up colour well. I wanted to get a flatter, shorter-bristled shadow brush anyway, from sephora. Now I don't need to!

Just random: 3 totally different items that look so alike. MAC select moisturecover, elf mineral eyeshadow primer and Sephora ultra-brillance gloss. Hope I won't pick up the wrong thing, especially if I'm too sleepy or tired.
9:20 PM
Saturday, May 15, 2010
holidays are here! 3 months break means it's time to find a job. Sigh. I was actually shortlisted for a temp job for NEA, but this is for the meteorological department, and their office is at changi airport terminal 2. It's only a 4 day job, but I still have to go down a few times, so I turned it down, because it takes me about 1.5 hours or more to go there by MRT from where I live. So I think it's just not worth the effort. I really hate travelling. I applied for few other jobs, but I haven't heard from them, so I need to continue looking =(
Went cycling at ECP with zac on thursday. Thanks dear for driving me. Well, he gotta drive his bicycle there too, but then, if not for me, I think he'll just cycle there. Bouna vista to ECP? Chicken feet! He's like some garang 200km-at-one-shot cyclist. Singapore isn't even big enough for him to cycle, so he had to cycle to malaysia to meet that distance. Haha. Amazing. And we only cycled like 9km at ecp. Sorry la, only my 3rd time cycling. Sometimes I feel like I'm holding him back. Oh well. It rained like crazy while we were cycling! We had to take shelter at the toilets for pretty long. Totally drenched. Then we saw this poor kitty running to find shelter. So sad. What a heart wrenching sight. It was really pouring like mad. Funny thing is, when we saw it running for shelter, it had already been raining for half hour? So I don't know what it was doing in the rain for so long without shelter. Poor thing though. =(
Okay some stuff I got the past 2 months, haven't been shopping much due to my project 10 pan, which is like a cosmetics-shopping ban, and due to exams too. But I figured I should still be allowed to buy things that I do not have, not even a similar one.

Sigma SS168 contour brush. And bobbi brown lip pencil. I do not own a single lip pencil before this. So you get what I mean by I should be allowed to buys things I do not have. Haha.

Pretty old item on the market, but pretty pricy, so I had to grab it when I saw it on thirty percent discount. Normally there's only a twenty percent discount. Za Pore smoother. Suppose to be like a primer that smoothes out pores, but reviews say that it doesn't quite do that, BUT it does have pretty decent oil control. So I'm pretty excited to try this. Have not tried it still, because I don't normally wear foundation. I only used tinted moisturiser.

Was rearranging my vanity "area" again. It's really just one shelf in my wardrobe. The stacked drawers are completely full. No idea how I filled them out so quickly.
11:09 PM
Sunday, May 02, 2010

Cute not???? Haha =) See how small the kitty's head is, compared to zac's hand. He said he could pick it up with one hand. So cute!!!! So poor thing though. Not sure if it could survive out there on its own.
Ah my batch of handmade tinted moisturiser failed! First time it happened, and it must be due to bio-essence's BB cream. I have used more or less the same ingredients as always, but this time, I added the bb cream in it. I had a sample of the bb cream, and I found the colour to be too pale and ashy on its own, and I also didn't like the thick consistency of it. It's as thick as, or even thicker, than the revlon colorstay foundation! I thought bb creams themselves are tinted moisturisers, so they should be pretty sheer and light in consistency. But this bio-essence one isn't. It's got almost full coverage! Anyway, certain ingredient/s in the bb cream caused my tinted moisturiser to separate. I couldn't mix everything well, no matter how vigorously i mixed it. bleah. Wasted my products.
7:28 PM