Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Super shiok day. My mum cooked lunch so early for me today, so I had plenty of time to head down to town to shop before dinner. Bought 2 tops. The white tunic is from forever21, courtesy of evelyn's voucher. Thanks girl! Muacks muacks! The mint green top is only $5 from cotton on. Haha. And it matches my nail colour for the moment.

Here are more stuffs I bought. Bought Olay Total Effects facial wash for blemish-prone skin, from CK department store at far east plaza. They sell toiletries cheaper than watsons, kind of like those chinatown shops. The facial wash is around $2 cheaper than watsons, and normally I couldn't find the Total Effects blemish range in watsons.
Bought Mac studio finish concealer too. I bought this because it has SPF35. I need this to cover my acne. The SPF35 can help prevent the acne from healing into pigmentation scars. Many people don't know this, but UV exposure actually plays a huge huge role in turning your healing acne into hyperpigmentation.
Then I also got myself some health supplements. It's an antioxidant. This one has the highest concentration of antioxidants I can find already, compared to other brands like Blackmores or Brands. I read that it can help give clearer skin. And antioxidants is just fabulous for ALL the cells in your body. Every organ in your body will benefit from this, especially during stressful times like exam period.
Finally, I also received the Skinfood egg white pack in the mail! I ordered it online, and this product was highly recommended from evelyn. So I got to try!
Total damage of the day was crazy!! But I'm still so high from the retail therapy.
Miss my baby! He's in Bali for holiday with his family. Envious...
11:23 PM
Monday, August 23, 2010
We decided to give it another shot. Hope things work out this time...
Zac made me fab fab lunch today. Pizza with salmon and mushrooms. He added scallops for his half of the pizza. Haha. Good thing about making your own pizza is that you can load it with as much toppings as you like. Thank hon. You always make me good food when I go over <33
11:57 PM
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ecotools Foundation Brush

I have been eyeing this for the longest time! Glad I finally got it. It's only $11.90 from watsons. Much cheaper than if I were to get it shipped from

Ignore my cartoon bedsheets...

On the right is my old foundation brush. It's kind of small, and hard to blend liquid foundations, so I wanted a new brush.

The ecotools brush has so much more bristles. Very smooth too. Love it! Blends well, does the work faster too. Yay. Worth the purchase.
5:18 PM
Mini reviews: Revlon Whitening Two-way foundation; LA colors mineral pressed powder; Sephora Mineral foundationMy powders are all finishing!
Revlon whitening 2-way cake: Won't repurchase. NO oil control, even the darkest shade has a white cast on me, maybe due to the SPF22 or something. The SPF isn't even that high. Coverage is light to medium when used dry. I have never tried using it with a damp sponge.
L.A. Colors mineral pressed powder: Will repurchase. Has hardly any coverage, natural looking, has some oil control, doesn't look powdery and cakey when applied with a fluffly brush. I use this to set my tinted moisturiser or liquid foundation, so all I need is a little bit. Never used this with a sponge before. Anyway it's a pressed powder, not meant to have much coverage. Cheap too!
Here is my replacement for my powders:

If I'm not wrong, this is the newer version. The older one is more expensive ($30) and is a 2-way formula, has SPF10. This one is only twenty bucks, isn't 2-way and has no SPF. I didn't see the older version at sephora. Probably discontinued?
I love it that it's talc free, no fragrance and no parabens. My skin is very sensitive now, due to Diacneal treatment.

Has a mirror and 2-sided sponge. One side gives a heavier coverage, and the other side gives a lighter coverage. I love this so far. I wore it alone with the lighter-coverage side of the sponge, and it looks great on my skin. Looks natural and doesn't have the obvious powdered look. Has decent oil control too. I have also used this with a fluffy brush to set my tinted moisturier. Looks great too. It does oxidise a little like any other foundation. As long as it's nothing crazy like the maybelline mineral foundation, I'm ok with it. I will try this with the heavier-coverage side of the sponge, and with a kabuki brush, soon!
4:55 PM
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Review: Maybelline Mineral Power Foundation

This is what it looks like. I'm sure you've seen it before at some drugstore. I bought it when it was on half price offer. Which I'm glad! If I paid the full price, I would have been really sad.
The Pros:I like the texture. The powder is fine and soft.
Doesn't look powdery and cakey on my face, which I liked a lot. I like powders that DON'T look like powder when I put it on my face. I don't like the obvious powdered look.
The Cons:The brush is obvious trash.
It oxidises like crazy once in contact with my skin. Or once exposed to air actually. I'm not sure if singapore's humidity contributes to the rapid oxidation, but it oxidies waaaaaayy too quickly. Normally foundation oxidises on me after few hours, but this did in a
few seconds! The mineral blush didn't have this problem though.

Did a comparison on the back of my hand.
Left: The foundation when I rubbed it into my skin.
Right: I tried to put more powder on my hand, unblended in, to try to capture how the powder looks like in the tub, relatively unexposed to air. The actual powder looks even lighter than this, really. It gets darker every second I delayed taking the photo.
See how orange and dark and dirty-looking the patch on the left looks. It has oxidised so badly, compared to the powder on the right. The colour of the powder would have been a perfect match with my skin, but see how dark it becomes once I blended the powder in. Yucks. If I leave the powder there just like that, it will really turn just as orange as the left patch is.

Ewww...So dark and orange! I doubt anyone has orange toned face.
This is my THIRD major disappointment with maybelline cosmetics actually. First was the unstoppable mascara which just totally failed--couldnt hold a curl, made my lashes so droopy, no lenghth, no volume. Second was the gel liner--gave me the most horrendous panda eyes; smudged and transferred from my upper lids to lower lids!! And now this. I seriously give up on maybelline already, except their lip products. Their lip glosses and lipsticks are good.
11:34 PM