Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Exams are finally over! I don't know quite how to describe this round of exams. It's not killer, but it's not easy either. It's not killer, probably because I only have 4 papers compared to my usual 6. As a result, I kind of got complacent that I don't need to work as hard or something? Which led to the exams not being easy for me. I think the most okay paper should be muscle biology. Psychology of crisis stress management ranks the same as Genetics, I feel. Worst paper, not surprising, is Viro/Microbiology. I did really badly for Year 2's microbio in sem 1, and then viro in sem 2. So my basics are not there at all. Furthermore, that was two years ago!!
Talking about 2 years ago, I can't believe that I'm going to graduate soon. It's too fast. But other people like cariann and my bro, begged to differ. They said that these 4 years felt like forever. For the final leg of my uni life, I'm going to be attached to Singapore Eye Research Institute for my final year project. Super mixed feelings about this one. I'm excited to be doing actual research work in an actual research lab, but I'm also nervous that I can't contribute much and don't meet their expectations =( I'll be researching about diabetic retinopathy. As many as 1 in 10 type 2 diabetic patients have deteriorating eyesight, which could lead to blindness, due to retinopathy. It feels great to be able to contribute to some kind of research that has great implications to the standard of life for these chronic sufferers. Although my role may be tiny, but it's still something. Every step taken in the life science field, no matter how small, is still a step which counts.
Okay, now onto something less serious, here are my purchases during the Prestige warehouse sale held long ago. Haha.

Gap EDT and body lotion set for $15 only!

Paul and Joe limited edition loose powder. Got this at $20, where the retail price is $56!! Awesome bargain! Haven't used this yet though. Still using Mac's blot pressed powder, which had hit the pan already, and Nature Republic's blemish loose powder.
10:03 PM
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Totally unmotivated to study. It's my very last exam ever! Unless I decided to further my studies.. But still no motivation. I just watched Shutter Island today. Great movie. Totally recommend everyone to watch this! I just cannot stop watching dramas, movies and shopping online. So going to screw up again this semester. Yes, AGAIN, because I screwed up in year 2. =(
One big reason why I'm not motivated is because it's the holiday/christmas season. My exams end on the 22nd dec!!! WTF ok. Thank you very much YOG for screwing up our semester and christmas holidays. Everyone else has finished their exams except us. Boo.
5:54 PM
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Reminder to self: No more buying anymore base makeup until I finish at least TWO of the above!
10:33 PM