Sunday, January 30, 2011

Got my animal cert! The course was a terrifying experience to be honest. The mice we had was nuts. It tried to bite at every opportunity. Poor yucui got bitten twice. I didnt get bitten, cause I only tried to handle the mouse when I have mustered enough courage, such that my hands were not trembling. I also handled it with a gauze pad, so if it were to turn around to to bite, it would be biting on the gauze instead of my fingers. Poor mice though. They're cute, albeit crazy. The rat was much better. Although it was 5x bigger than a mouse, it was much more docile, maybe it's more intelligent. As long as I didnt try to hold it tight, it was a good little animal and just sat on my arm, front paws on my chest, looking up at me. Haha. So cute! It likes crawling everywhere, like it was just curious, unlike the mouse, which was just scrambling away or trying to bite all the time.
I'm super worried though. I need to handle mice all the time in my project. How am I to do it? Only one mouse during the course, and I was so shaken and mentally drained.

Some eye slices I made using the crystat (microtome). The microtome is a pretty cool machine. It's minus 20 degress inside, and I had to triple-glove my hands to use it. Coldddd!
1:12 PM
Haven't updated in awhile. FYP is tiring. Everytime I come home, I barely have any time to do anything else before I need to sleep. Well, here are some of my recent buys.. =))

Sembonia heels in a nude, dusty pink colour. Very nice and classy for a dinner. In fact, I wore it for a dinner already, and it was really comfortable. Shall wear this for cny too. Haha.

Got my mac brush cleanser finally. It's quite cheap, $18 for 235ml. I use it for spot cleaning only, because I don't think it can clean thoroughly enough for deep cleaning. Picked up mac select moisture cover in NW20. I have another one in NW25, but it's too dark for me. I use this for my dark circles. Then, I saw L'oreal UV Perfect in Venus for only $11.90!!?! This is a whooping $10 cheaper than in Watsons.

Etude house nail polish (only RM3!!) and 2 Etude house eyeshadows (RM12 for both!!!!).

I bought this pair of sneakers from far east plaza for lab. Comfortable, and good for sneaking (literally!) around the lab facility. I take frequent toilet breaks, pantry breaks etc when I get too bored, and this is good for sneaking pass the fellows', PIs' and director's offices without any noise.
12:48 PM
Friday, January 07, 2011
This post shall be kind of a new year's resolution thing. I won't be listing down my resolutions, but I'll just share my thoughts on this brand new year.
Honestly, this year scares the hell out of me. There will be huge important life decisions that I have to make, milestones to accomplish and so much more I have to do to be a proper grown up.
What scares me the most is that I will be graduating in a few months time, and I got to go out there and make a living. I got to find myself a PERMANENT job, which really scares me, because I'm not very sure if lifesciences research is all I want to do for the rest of my life. I do have another way out, which is to get a cosmetology diploma and be a pro makeup artist. But I won't have my parents' support for this. Really in a dilemma. Right now, my passion for makeup overrides my love for lifesciences. One is a PASSION, one is a love. Both are different, now I realised. Passion is where you just want to eat everything that is related to that thing, up! It's like you can't get enough of it at any one time, where you wish you could breathe, eat, sleep the same thing, and perhaps even bathe in it! Love is not as 'fiery'. It's like something you can't live without, you can't imagne your life without it, but if it disappears, you can find a way to survive. It may take years, but you'll live, you won't die without it. That's the difference, I feel.
And I think my final year project is going to help me find out what I want in life. I will be attached to SERI, as most people know already. It's going to be a tough semester, where everyday is 8.30am to 6pm, where I will end up eating, breathing, sleeping and bathing in eye research. This is what is going to tell me if I'm cut out for research or not. And I'm so scared I'll hate it so much that I'll just give up on research work after this. I do want to do well first of course. Sigh. FYP will also tell me if I can survive a full time job life. I will need to juggle relationships, friendships, exercise, shopping, work. Argh. So much to do, but so little time. I just hope I'm resilient enough to cope.
Talking about relationships, I have to admit mine needs to be worked on. Hope I don't get too stressed out.
10:26 PM
Waaaay overdue post. Was too 'busy' doing the things I wana do, like meeting up friends, watching loads and loads of dramas, shopping etc.
Anyway, for the christmas that just passed, I met up the girls for shopping in town, followed by gift exchange.

Here is my gift. There was a foot mask, hand mask, eye masks, lipgloss and hand cream in it. And xueting got my prezzie! Congrats! Haha. I made the wrapper from 4 pieces of paper from a jap magazine. I've always been pretty crafty.

And I got evelyn's gift, which is a makeup pouch from naraya (did I spell this right?). It's so sweet, and I aptly placed it on my makeup area when taking this photo =D

I really love how it has compartments in it. Just a few days before this gift exchange, I was contemplating on getting a makeup pouch with compartments. And coincidentally, I got what I wished for! Thanks girl! And on top on that, evelyn made me a card and developed some photos of us together.

Well, here is the junk that I put in the pouch. Haha.
10:12 PM