Sunday, February 20, 2011
Fyp is so unsuccessful. Everything seems to be going wrong, especially when you have unpredictable animals and fancy diagnostic machines.
First, someone whom I cannot name dropped the red light lamp in the electroretinogram (ERG) room. The room has to be pitch dark except for dim red light. With the lamp spoilt, I was only using a super TINY red light torch to see everything, including grabbing mice out from the cage, restraining them, giving them eyedrops and injecting them with anaesthesia. All the fumbling resulted in a damn mouse biting me, then I had to go get a tetanus jab. The mouse is a crazy mouse! It bit the other animal techinicians too. That particular one is just high on drugs or something.
Then my mice started getting weird cataracts, which means they cannot be used at all anymore. Then my spanking brand new Micron III machine broke down. The light was all crazy and flickering, and there was a burning smell coming from it!! The only thing missing is probably smoke. Micron III is suppose to be the star of my fyp. Now it's spoilt, my fyp has nothing special anymore. Mice not breeding well either, so I'm lacking mice now =(
So scared to do ERG again. Hate mice, especially in the dark. Had to learn another machine which does the same job as Micron III, but SIBEI inferior. Arghs!!!!! So depressing.
10:06 PM
Friday, February 04, 2011

Yipee got my spree items!!! I'm super loving the Kabuki Face Brush. So soft, great for loose face powder. I haven't tried it for mineral loose powder foundations, so I wouldn't know. The Stipple Brush is not bad too. Kind of flimsy, but still usable for liquid foundations. Love the Red Cherry lashes! I should get more. They're made of real hair, so they look much more natural. They're similar to ardell lashes, but way cheaper.
Happy CNY to all! =)
3:39 PM