Monday, May 30, 2011
Went to cafebiz at Trader's Hotel for buffet lunch, for our anniversary =) The food is really so-so. Not sure what the hype about cafebiz is all about. Maybe the lunch buffet isn't as good as dinner buffet, since it's cheaper.

Here are my 'appetisers'. The smoked salmon is not bad, kind of salty though. Then there're some dim sums, which I only took the 'ha kao'.

Some standard sushi. So-so too. Not as good as japanese places of course.

The indian food which I tried. The naan with curry is nice. The chicken was really spicy, and the fish was pretty nice. But nothing really wowed me.

The best thing on the menu. The baked prawns. They were placed together with the mussels, but I only took prawns since I wasn't a fan of mussels.
There was dessert too, but I ate them before I remembered to take photos. The cakes were really good. Yummy. But 3 things I didn't like about the dessert.
1. They didn't have fruits to go with chocolate fondue
2. They didn't refill the satay sticks for the fondue. The cup that was suppose to hold the sticks, were empty for long. Zac had to ask them for the sticks.
3. The ice cream bowls were very warm, causing the ice cream to melt instantly. I know they use heat to disinfect the bowls and stuff, but shouldn't they make sure the dessert bowls were cool before putting them out? The ice cream was just a disgusting mess in the end, all melted even before zac got back to the table.
Overall, not worth the money if it wasn't for the 1-for-1. Seriously who would pay $38++ (or was it $40++) for such a crappy buffet.
10:43 PM
Everytime the moon is high up and super bright, it shines onto my pillow. Quite cool, but makes it hard to sleep, cause I like my curtains open for better air circulation.

Super bright moon!

The moon light... Onto my hello kitty sheets.
10:37 PM
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I have removed my name from this blog. Employers do google potential employees, and my blog posts, which are mainly about shopping, hanging out or complaining about how much I hate working life, are not exactly what employers are looking for.
Now, I can almost hear
zac's voice nagging in my head, "Then shouldn't you change? Be less materialistic, be more ambitious blah blah blah." I do dream of being rich, but I am really a simple person who is contented with a normal job with a normal pay. I don't aim for management jobs, I don't aim to be a leader, because higher ranking jobs usually mean more responsibilities, longer working hours, and less time for myself. I value me-time A LOT, as you probably know by now.
I just wish there is a job out there that I want so bad. Maybe makeup artist.
Hmm fasion model or stylist maybe. Something in the fashion industry. But nobody in my family would support my decision if I want to be a makeup artist. My mum would baulk and disown me, and I'm not exaggerating. So I got to settle for my second interest, research work. I do enjoy lab work a lot, but not enough to want to wakeup at 6am everyday for it. I love sleeping in and it takes a lot (e.g. to collect toto prize of $1m) to make me sacrifice it. I can't bear the thought of no more sleeping until past 10am for the next 40 years! Kills me to think about it. Argh.
12:18 AM
Friday, May 20, 2011
I really hate getting reminded that I need to find a job. I know being employed is like the most important thing on graduates' minds, but I have not even finished my fyp proper! I need a break! Give me a break! I'm not ultra ambitious and workaholic. After slogging day and night every day for months for fyp, I need a break to even feel human again. I think I have never been more unfit in my life than during fyp days. Everyday when I come home, it's either too late to go out for a run, or I'm too hungry to run. I didn't have time to do what I like, I didn't have time to even keep myself fit and healthy. I'm not the sort who would sacrifice sleep, wake up at 5am for a run. I feel unhealthy, fat, tired, depressed all day long.
I know for some people, getting a job beats everything else. Like zac. He can forgo everything in the world just to get his 'dream' job. He is the ultimate career-obsessed, I-want-to-make-my-first-million-by-25years-old type. I can't. Work is not everything. Health, happiness, friends, shopping etc is more important. Call me unambitious if you want. For me, it's all about balance. Work life has no balance. Once you come home, you only have few hours left to shower, eat, maybe surf the net for awhile before you have to go to bed and hell starts all over again soon. Is this really what everyone wants to do for 40 years? It's no wonder people come up with 'office exercise' regimes, people go on facebook during work hours, lowering productivity. Working hours are just too long for anyone to sit there and be productive all the time. It's inefficient.
Yes, getting a job is important for starting a family etc, but I'm in no hurry to start a family. I can get a job 2 years later and still have money to contribute to the family. When I start working, all the money I earn probably go into splurging on things that I could never buy before.
11:40 PM
Completed thesis!! Haha long overdue photo. But, still so relieved that months of waking up at 620am everyday is over. I know when I start work, this will happen for the next 40 years, so I need to relish this moment.

Cariann's thesis!


This is what's on my nails now. Gorgeous max! If you look carefully (esp index finger), you can see how the glitters reflect rainbow colours as well! But this chinaglaze polish has no label. So I have no idea what shade this is. Sorry!
10:12 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Yay! Thesis handed in! But that leaves no excuse for not finding a job already. Sian!
Right after handing in out thesis, cariann, evelyn and I went to Smoochiezz's showroom to see some cosmetic goodies. Smoochiezz is a spree organiser whom has rented a warehouse to store her spree arrivals, and she also sells instock cosmetics like Elf, NYX and OPI there. I bought a chinaglaze nail polish and Elf's cream eyeliner in coffee. The cream liner is abit dried up =( I know it's not smoochiezz fault, because generally, many people worldwide has complained that Elf cream eyeliners are dried up by the time they received it. But many people received decent ones, so I didnt to give it a shot. Haha. But... unlucky me. I love the chinaglaze polish though. It's got very pretty green glitters. I'm kind of into green polishes now! I have on my nails now, Sea Ya Later Sailer by OPI. It's a shimmery pale sea green. Evelyn bought OPI polish in Teenage Dream, from the Katy Perry collection, and a NYX blush. Cariann as usual, bought nothing.
Anyway, cariann, evelyn and I went to the beach today!! It was super hot, great to suntan, great to sunburn also. We spent a super long time in the sea actually. Cause there were little fishes at the sea near the shore, so we were trying to catch them! We tried to prevent the fish from being washed back into the sea by blocking with our legs. Then we tried using our hands to catch, but to no success! Then we decided to use evelyn's macdonalds cup to catch instead. Still no success... The fish's reaction was super fast! They can change direction suddenly and swiftly. Once you blink, it's gone. We spent so long bending over in the sea, that all of us had pretty serious sunburns on our back. Not cool!
The taste of freedom is really great! I really don't want to get a job =(
7:58 PM