Saturday, November 19, 2011
Omg it's been forever since I last blogged. So many things have happened since then..
I have graduated!!!!

Miss all my course mates dearly. I keep wondering how did these 4 years fly by so quickly. It's really one of the quickest 4 years ever. Even my 4 years of secondary school education didn't seem to fly by so quickly. But I'm glad that I filled the 4 years up with so much laughter and happiness.. All the activities and camps, shopping with friends at JP after lesson, early breakfasts in school before 8.30am lessons, last minute exam mugging in the library etc... The only regret I have is that I wished I studied harder in year 2. I did pretty well in year 3 and 4, in an attempt to undo the damage that my year 2 results caused. But it wasn't enough =(
After convocation, I have started work at a lab. I was pretty lucky to get this job. It's not particularly stressful, the workload is fine. Though the pay is minimal, but I can't really complain.
I'm glad though, that I managed to find time in the midst of working to meet up with the girls, maintain my relationship and to exercise and remain fit. I'm still trying to find the perfect balance though...
I sure wish I was back in college. =(
7:50 PM